Thread: Fiction: The Field Trip
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Old 11-13-2014, 06:46 AM   #81
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Part 32

Mike woke up at about five-thirty the following morning having had hardly any sleep. With his panic over the mis-sent pictures, he hadn’t remembered to look for Sophie’s phone and her incriminating pictures of him, even though he had chosen to sleep in her bed.

During the night, Emma, Katie and especially Sarah, had joined him at different times for a bit of intimate contact and, Mike being Mike, he had given it to them.

He climbed out of bed, naked, and saw Emma staring at him from her own bed. “Morning,” she said with a wink, “I see you have a bit of a hard-on.”

Mike glanced down at his perky erection.

“Would you like me to help you with it?” Emma added.

Mike thought seriously about it. Yes, he thought, I would. “No,” he said, “I need to sort out the misunderstanding about those pictures I sent to Laura.”

“Maybe she didn’t even get them,” Emma said as she climbed out of bed, naked, and approached Mike.

“What do you mean?” Mike asked.

“Well,” Emma said as she stroked Mike’s erection, “There’s not always sufficient signal in the Lake District, what with all the mountains and the lack of phone masts and so forth.” She dropped to her knees and took Mike’s erection into her mouth.

Mike put his hands behind her head and gripped her hair as she went to work on him.

Emma rolled her tongue over the shaft of his cock and sucked on the sensitive knob-end.

Mike gasped in pleasure as he felt himself coming. He didn’t hold back and he allowed Emma to take the lot in her mouth.

Although Emma tried to pull away from his explosion, he held her head in place.

“Hey, you two,” Katie called over. “What you doing?”

Mike let go of Emma’s head and she released his cock from her mouth.

Emma looked over to where Katie was sitting up in bed. “We were just passing the time.”

“So I see,” Katie said.

Mike looked around for his clothes. “Look,” he said, “I have something to do.” He remembered the previous evening when he’d fucked Jill and found out she was not protected. He had promised to take her to get the morning-after pill.

The nearest town which could possibly have a pharmacist was Egremont. He would have to drive her there. She had to ask for it; the emergency contraception was only sold to women.

“What’s so urgent?” Emma asked.

Mike couldn’t tell her the real reason he had to go. “I er... have to sort out today’s itinerary with Mrs Powell and Mr Carson.” He put his clothes on and straightened his hair, which was all mussed up.

Seconds later, the door opened and Sophie and Bethany, dressed in their pyjamas again, came in.

“What...?” Bethany managed to spit out when she saw her biology teacher in the dorm.

Sophie went over to her bed and sat down.

It was at that point that Mike remembered the pictures she’d taken of him, masturbating. It was too late now to look for the phone.

“I was just giving the girls a wake-up call,” Mike said to Bethany.

Katie giggled.

“Are you allowed into the girls’ dorm, sir?” Beth asked him, “They’re naked.”

Mike looked round the dorm. “Oh,” he said, So they are. I hadn’t noticed.”

Katie giggled again.

“So, are you going now?” Bethany asked.

“Yeah,” Mike said, “See you all later.” He walked out of the door, realising that Emma still had his phone tucked away somewhere.

Mike hurried to the female staff dorm. He knocked on the door.

“Hello?” It was Jane Powell.

Mike popped his head round the door. “Only me,” he said, “Did you get the pictures of...” He glanced across to where Jill was just stirring but still half-asleep.

Jane nodded. She picked up her phone. “One new message,” she said, opening it up. “Oh, yes, the pictures. Sent... before midnight. You win.” She put her phone away. “I’m going for a shower. Care to join me?” She winked at Mike.

“Er, no,” Mike said, “As tempting as it is, I need to talk to Jill.”

Jane nodded, climbed out of bed, wearing just a nightdress, and made her way out of the dorm, closing the door behind her.

Mike went over to Jill’s bed. “Jill?” he said.

“Yes,” Jill smiled.

“Get ready,” Mike said, “I have to take you out somewhere.”

Jill sat up in bed, her breasts on full view. “Where?”

“Remember last night?” Mike said.

“Oh yes,” Jill said.

“Well, you said you weren’t protected when we... er...”

“Fucked?” Jill finished his sentence for him.

Mike nodded. “I said we’d get you the morning-after pill. Do you still want to?”

“Only if you’re paying,” Jill said.

To be continued...

Originally Posted by jklivin View Post
You're too good to us.

I can be evil as well...

Next update will probably not be until either Saturday afternoon or Monday afternoon (UK time), when they start a new day - with new experiences.
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