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Old 11-09-2014, 03:08 PM   #1
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Default What is THE DUNGEON & how to gain access


The Dungeon is a secret getDare labatory where the getDare staff can propose a selected amount of users every week. Dungeonees will then have a week of torture before NEW slaves are discovered.

The FIRST dungeonees will be privately messaged with secret details on how to gain access shortly. Anyone who has not been given access, don't worry there's always next time. (And other games to play --- TO BE REVEALED SOON)


Post your username and reason for wanting to be submitted into the dungeon.

PS: you are more likely to be submitted if you:
* Show kindness to others
* Help out by correctly reporting users.
* Show a willingness to help
* Make posts in the correct forums

Each moderator has a set amount of applications each week.

Since there seems to be a mass misunderstanding on how the dungeon works, let's try to clear this up on what we're trying to do:

We are trying to choose users from all different areas of the site who we have noticed to be favorable contributors to the site (report posts in the wrong areas, reports users that are using avatars that break our image rules, reports underage users, ect) along with also making good quality posts on threads.

The dungeon is a reward, a place where a small group of people each week and talk with each other and get to know people that they may not have ever known existed on the site if they had not been put in together.

Yes, there is a name change thread in the dungeon that seems to have several people ticked off since we have had a long-standing rule against changing names. This new option to the users that are allowed in the dungeon goes along with this area being a reward. As for it going against the long-standing rule of no name changes, we're a growing site and trying to figure out how to keep things growing in a favorable direction which means sometimes rules change. It happens.

The people allowed in the dungeon happens on a weekly-ish basis, you're only in there for a week at a time before a new group takes your place. Since we are only allowing about 15 users in at a time, you need to be patient and wait your turn. It's only been out for two weeks and some people are acting like it's been here for a year. Just be patient and a good user and your time will come, trust us.



Last edited by Rachie; 12-12-2015 at 12:52 PM.
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