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Old 11-07-2014, 09:04 AM   #2
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Default for karl

Rise and Shine! What time will you get out of bed? If any of these will make you late, move to the latest time you can.
5 AM

Morning Routine
What part of your morning routine will you skip?
Showering or bathing
Brushing your teeth
Using the toilet
Washing your face and shaving
Flossing and using mouthwash
all of the above

Morning Exercise
It'll make you less tired. Maybe. What will you do?
30 minutes jogging on the spot/treadmill

The most important meal of the day. For me to ruin. What will you have?

Free Time
You probably woke up pretty early. What will you do until you have to change and leave?
Cornertime: Hand on your head, nose to the wall. For every time you move,
Stay Outside: Just stay outside. Do the changing roll first if you must.
Bondage: Tie your wrists and ankles together.
1, 4, and 5

Getting Changed
Window and door open


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