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Old 11-03-2014, 11:36 AM   #6
emthomas10's Avatar
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Posts: 45

Originally Posted by Dravot View Post
To two liters warm water add
two heaping tablespoons baking soda (be sure to use baking soda not baking powder)
two heaping table spoons sugar
One heaping table spoon powdered ginger
one level tablespoon cayenne powder

use the colonic tube and hang it as high as you can

Attempt to hold it for at least 15 minutes, 20 if you can.

This will be very unpleasant but you did ask for it...

I look forward to a detailed report.
I am excited to try this and see what it feels like!

For future posters I have peppermint oil that can be used as well. Also just so everyone knows the larger nosel deposits the water much faster.

More interesting recipes please!
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