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Old 10-27-2014, 01:13 PM   #1
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Default Hell of a Morning

Mornings. Some people love them, some people hate them. Though I think most people will hate this one.

You must follow the order of the dice when you do them, and immediately move on to the next one when finished.

Rise and Shine! What time will you get out of bed? If any of these will make you late, move to the latest time you can.
  1. 4 AM
  2. 5 AM
  3. 6 AM
  4. 7 AM
  5. 8 AM
  6. You never went to sleep last night. Start the below roll at 3 AM.

Morning Routine
What part of your morning routine will you skip?
  1. Showering or bathing
  2. Brushing your teeth
  3. Using the toilet
  4. Washing your face and shaving
  5. Flossing and using mouthwash
  6. All of the above

Morning Exercise
It'll make you less tired. Maybe. What will you do?
  1. 100 pushups
  2. 150 sit-ups
  3. 200 jumping jacks
  4. 30 minutes jogging on the spot/treadmill
  5. 15 minutes jogging outside
  6. All of the above

The most important meal of the day. For me to ruin. What will you have?
  1. Plain toast
  2. A smoothie
  3. Leftovers
  4. The above three, blended together
  5. Whatever you want
  6. Nothing

Free Time
You probably woke up pretty early. What will you do until you have to change and leave?
  1. Cornertime: Hand on your head, nose to the wall. For every time you move, do five minutes of corner time immediately when you get back home.
  2. Spanking: Using an implement of your choice, spank an area of your choice at least once every five seconds.
  3. Writing Lines: Hand write “I love mornings.”
  4. Stay Outside: Just stay outside. Do the changing roll first if you must.
  5. Bondage: Tie your wrists and ankles together.
  6. 1, 4, and 5

Getting Changed
How will you get changed?
  1. Normally.
  2. Window and door open
  3. In front of an open window
  4. A common room. If you do not live with anyone, re-roll.
  5. Backyard
  6. Frontyard

Now, go to work/school. I hope you did this on a day you had work/school, because if you didn’t, you will have to do the free time roll until noon.
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