Thread: Name That Song.
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Old 10-17-2014, 07:12 PM   #1
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Talking Name That Song.

okay so its pretty simple. its a Person Above thread, so the person above will write a line of there favorite song or a random song, and the person below will guess what they think it could be. and then they write there song line.

Example :
i post: "The cold never bothered me anyway"

Let it go

The person below: Let it go and this person will write a line from a song.

Now if he guesses wrong and dosnt know the song he will be dared, but if he guessed right he can give them a dare.

Example :
i post: "The cold never bothered me anyway"

Let it go

The person below: Let it go and this person will write a line from a song.

since he guessed right he dares me. if he was wrong i dare him.Try not to cheat. a surprise is a lot more fun

So ill start.

I feel the love
And I feel it burn
Down this river every turn
Hope is our four letter word
Make that money
Watch it burn

Counting Stars by one Republic
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