Thread: The Awesome AMA
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Old 10-12-2014, 12:48 AM   #2
♡ limited edition - cock tease barbie ♡'s Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2014
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1. If you could buy any toy to use on me in the entire world, what would you pick?

2. What food are you craving riiiiight now?

3. How are you going to celebrate your birthday?

4. What's one fetish you never want to experiment with?

5. What's one fetish that you REALLY want to experiment with?

6. What's your favorite word?

7. Do you want me to draw you a really horrible portrait to hang in your house?

8. What's the last tv show that you watched?

9. What's your favorite personality trait in a woman?

10. If you had a dog what would you name it? is offline   Reply With Quote