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Old 10-04-2014, 05:17 PM   #1
Stray mouse
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Join Date: Jun 2013
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Posts: 90
Default The Door (fiction)

The Door

I stand outside the door it's dark wood starring me it in the face, my heart is pounding has I lift my hand to knock, I let it drop to my side again looking down at how I am dressed. I can't go in dressed like this even though it's how he said I should, I will myself to take a step away from the door but my feet don't move encased in the stilettos standings hard walking harder making me look like I am going to collapse at any moment grace, me and heels don't go in the same sentence I want to kick them off and throw them into a corner but still I don't move. Squeezing my eyes shut I lift my arm again and this time succeed in knocking even to my ears it sounds weak, I smile maybe he won't hear it and I can just go or he's not there,
"Come in" shatters that hope, that thought has my heart jumps everything inside me contracts reminding me why I am really here. I press the door handle down so slowly it must of taken hours before I eventually step through into the room "Shut and lock the door" your voice caresses me touches me deep inside as only you can do, using both hands I shut the door just as slowly as I opened it holding it shut with one hand I slide my other down the silky wood to the key turning it I hear the lock engage. I rest my head against the cool wood for a second,"Come to me" I turn quicker then I should stumbling but catch myself keeping my eyes down I can see your feet black shoes tied with laces the legs of a chair you are sat in, I start to walk over slowly counting each step, one I see your ankles black socks covering them, two your shins dark grey trousers, three your knees I'm starting to shake now, four your elbows resting on your knees has my breathing speeds up, five your body leaning forward my heart is pounding out of control, six your chin resting on your hands, "Stop" I freeze everything in me stills my heart continues to beat at twice the pace I'm practically panting but my mind clears of every reason why I should not be here of every thought to run, "Nervous" I can feel the intensity of your eyes on me, the slight curl to the side of your mouth as you ask that but do I speak, nod, look at you the whirlwind in my mind sweeps the thoughts away, my head nods I don't remember asking it to, the movement jerky but still I keep my eyes down, "Stand" I arrange myself as you have taught me legs spread elbows folded behind my back I can feel the skirt ride up my hands itch to pull it down but know I can't, my hands wrapping harder around my arms in a attempt to stop them grabbing the bottom of the skirt and pulling it down. "You little slut, I can see your pussy lips from here" heat burns my cheeks and deep down inside, my brain not understanding why the two always seam to go together even when I was told to dress like this the heat in my cheeks spreads down my neck as the image of me stood looking in the mirror comes to mind, the red skirt god how short it is just to say covering my ass when I turn to look and the black shirt is almost transparent giving a tiny glimpse of what's underneath and what i am not wearing. "Look at Me" slowly I lift my eyes to meet yours instantly the heat in my cheeks intensify's. I focus on your blue eyes they hold me but not enough to stop the shakes that run through me, you stand my eyes follow you never leaving your face and as you move towards me a fleeting thought of running comes to mind but I would never kick the heels of and move quick enough. I count your steps one, the shakes increase, two, what's with the counting my brain asks, three, I have to tilt my head up slightly, four your almost in front of me my last chance to escape, five i tilt my head up further and you are in front of me I can smell your cologne Happy it fills me I could never run from you as I start to relax slightly your fingers touch my naked thigh a shudder runs thought me and I realise what you are going to do the heat in my face intensifies until I think I think I am going to burn up, your fingers start to move up my leg please no runs through my head but its to late you find how wet I am. My eyes close trying to block it all out pretend I am not there "Open you eyes slave" you never have to raise your voice but I feel the command has I open to your hand held up in front of me I can see my juices glisten in the light, "Mouth" its automatic response as I open my mouth and you slide your wet finger in "Suck" closing it slowly I start to suck my sweet juices off,, my tongue exploring tasting not only me but you my eyes still on your face the slight smile again "You are MINE, my little whore mousey" I know I am stood there almost naked your finger in my mouth sucking my own juices from it I can not deny what I have become.
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