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Old 06-04-2007, 05:08 PM   #6
Join Date: May 2007
Location: west coast
Posts: 50
Default part three

Sorry for not posting the next part in so long, I just have not had the time.

After the chaos that you and the rest of your fellow freshman had caused to the Leopard’s house, nothing else was really being done for a while. You and Sara continued your life at college, just trying to fit in. From time to time you saw Shelly and always had some fun when the three of you hung out.

It had been two weeks since the memorable forking of the Leopard’s wing and you finally heard word from Jennie. Everyone was to meet in room 121 (as usual) at 5:00 pm (this seemed unusual however). It seemed like Jennie was upset when she delivered the message, yet with a hint of anticipation for something.

You, Sara and Shelly had been planning a big night out on the town that would end it everyone finding someone to come home with them but that had all been spoiled by Jennie’s call. So instead of heading for town that evening you all headed for 121. By the time everyone had arrived Jennie started off with a speech. “Well, since we are all here we should get down to business. Remember the destruction of the Leopard’s wing you were supposed to do last week?” There was a general murmur of “ya” with a hint of dislike. “And remember how I told you not to be seen? Well you were, but the Leopards themselves. I had hopped to anger them with what you were supposed to do, but not to be seen by anyone. They grew pretty angry with us over what you did, and me as well. They said that to get even, they want to challenge us to some sort of game. I am not really sure of what but we are to leave tonight and the ‘game’ will start tomorrow at 9 am. We will be going to the mountains to one of the Leopard’s cabins, so you should all start packing. We will be leaving at 6 so make sure you are not late.

The group of girls were completely shocked by the news of being seen well doing their deeds, but the even greater shock was that they would be gone all weekend. You and Sara started the walk back to your room and began packing immediately. You had a bad feeling about this weekend and were wishing that it were Monday.

Everyone had arrived and had slept as best as they could Friday night. Saturday morning came and everyone was waked up at 8:30. At 9 sharp everyone (including the Leopards and there freshman) were in the main room of the cabin. The leader of the Leopards walked forward and welcomed everyone for coming. “I would like to start of by explaining the rules of this little challenge we are going to have. It will be a competition between my freshman and yours”, looking at Jennie well she said this. “The leader of the loosing team will face a forfeit as well.” Jennie looked a little surprised at this but did not object. “Okay well the rules of the game will be pretty straight forward. We will have ourselves a little game of truth or dare. Now to make it fair, everyone playing, the freshman will make up the dares ahead of time. There will be not truths so I guess a better name will be dare or dare. The dares my team come up will be done by Jennies and vice versa. Your team gets a point everyone time a dare is completed. You will write down the dare you come up with on a piece of paper that I will give you right now.” She paused for a moment to hand out a piece of paper to everyone as well as a pencil. “A little suggestion before you start if I may, MAKE THE DARE AS embarrassing AS POSSIBLE. Since the other team will be doing them, you do not want them to get a point for completing it.” And with that she ended her speech indicating that we each come up with our own dares. You thought and thought about what a good dare would be, and then it came. This is what you wrote on the paper: The person being dared is to strip naked of all their clothes. The opposing group is allowed to retrieve permanents and color anywhere they wish on the person’s body. There is not time limit, and the person may not put on their clothes when the job is done.

You felt that this was really embarrassing to say the least but cannot to get the chance to draw on someone else. You had a feeling that this game was going to be really fun, except when it was your turn to draw a dare.

A few minutes later Ana ( the Leopard’s leader) announced that they should have finished coming up with their dares and to put them in the bowl in the center of their group. Everyone folded the piece of paper they were given and placed it into the bowl. “The game will now begin…”
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