Thread: [FICTION] A Long Time Coming, Chapter II
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Old 03-28-2010, 01:28 PM   #44
getDare Succubus
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Default First Interlude

Dear Rita,

How have you been? I can't wait until the holidays. They're getting so close now. Three weeks, and my classes will be over, and we'll get to see each other again. How big are you now? Last time I saw you, it barely showed. Are you showing yet? Can I get a picture? Are you going to update your facebook soon?

Anyway, I'm sending this letter through the mail because, well, the things I want to tell you deserve pen and paper. It's hard for me to know where to start.

Another reason why I'm anxious for the holidays to come is that Stan is finally moving out. His stuff is already packed, and his new girlfriend never comes over anymore. In fact, he's barely slept here more than once a week. When he does, though, he manages to get on my nerves every little moment with every little word. He's having a lot of sex and he flaunts it. Apparently, she's a devil in the sack. I'm trying not to let it get to me. As for me, well, I'm not getting as much as I want - none at all in fact. I know, you're probably going to be disappointed with me, but that's how it is, and that's how it will remain for some time still.

So, you'll have guessed this letter is mostly about him. Frank.

First off, let me say I wanted to talk to him. I really did. But I chickened out. You remember when you told me to go talk to him, that day we spoke? Well, I did just that. That is, I went over to his place, unannounced. Which was mistake number one, I know. I should not have caught him with his pants down. It was a blunder on my part, and it just made everything else since then a bit more awkward.

I got there a little after lunch. I knocked on the door and he came to answer. He was in his bathrobe, clearly just out of the shower. He smelled really good. I asked if I could come in - and he said yes. I entered. I did not notice her at first, because of the way his entrance hallway is made, but when I peered into the kitchen, I saw her: and she was wearing a bathrobe herself, as if she had just stepped out of the shower. I knew then and there that they had sex together - like I had told him to. My heart skipped a beat. And you know me - I am not a terribly jealous person, but something in me hurt. It was my fault; I had set them up. I should not have expected anything different. I mean, he's a guy, and all guys want sex. I tried my best to keep my composure as I inquired if they had fun the previous night. They both told me they had; she added that she had slept over afterwards. I wanted to run away and cry, but I had already made my way down there, so I actually joined them for lunch, even if I had already eaten. We talked about the weather and insignificant things, as if the events of the previous night and their sleeping together meant nothing. Oh! but Rita, it did. I could tell how he looked at her. I could tell how I wanted him to look at me that way.

I stayed for about thirty minutes and then I walked away, leaving them together. And then I cried, Rita, I cried so hard on the way back, on the bus. People must have thought I was nuts.

I have not cried as much since then. I have kept in touch with him through the e-mail, and I know he has kept in touch wit her, because he mentions her in his communications. I feel stupid: like I threw away all the attention he was giving me and handed it over to some floosy. But I know she's a nice girl, and he's a nice guy, and they should be together. I mean, I'm so much younger than him, I should really look for someone my own age. She is definetely more his type. We have stopped daring - it was just too weird.

And that's where I'm at. I'm focused on my studies now; I want to get better grades. And there's this cute guy in my classes, I think I might hit him up. I know he has a girlfriend, but it can't hurt to try. I mean, Stan gave in to the advances of that other girl, right? And boys think with their dicks.

I miss you so much, and I just want to hug you and squeeze you tight. And kiss your tummy and the little human being growing inside it. I just can't wait to see you. Please send me a picture!

Love you,

Your 'sweets'


To: [email protected]

Hello Frank

It's Rita. How are you? I hope all is well on your end. I should have gotten in touch with you some time ago, but you know how life is, with my pregnancy and all.

Anyway, just saying hi. Drop me a line if you want to chat.

Your friend,


To: [email protected]

Hi Rita.

Wow! It has been a while. How are you yourself? I'm doing okay, given the end of semester quickly coming around, final exams and coursework. Let's just say I haven't been lazy. Danielle told me about you being pregnant, with your boyfriend? How far along are you? Is it a boy or a girl?

It's funny how I completely lost touch with Danielle for those years - when I lost touch with her brother, that is. We were so close back then, but people drift apart. It'so good to see you again. Reading your e-mail reminded me of that time at Danielle's house... we were really into it! I miss those times.

I'm glad you contacted me. I hope to hear from you soon.



To: [email protected]


I'm particularly moody today, so don't mind me ranting. I just got into a huge fight with Jacques, and he's out, and I need to vent. I tried to call my other friends, and Danielle, and no one is there, so I just need a punching bag, and I guess you'll do. Again, sorry, I don't mean to be a pain.

I'll start by saying that the relationship between Jacques and myself is - at best - complicated. We've been together for some time, and we're happy together. We're planning on getting married, eventually... but we're both really quirky people, and, to put it as plainly as possible, we're both really open-minded. When I decided to get pregnant - Jacques was okay with it, but it's my body, my choice - we decided that we'd give ourselves some leeway. Jacques can be demanding in the relationship - in bed, to put it plainly. And as I start to bubble, well, I can't always give him what he wants. So we decided that we'd let him get his fun elsewhere. I hope that's not shocking for you. Anyway, last night, I was really horny and in the mood. I set myself up, nice and snug, naked on my bed, ready for him to ravage me! And I wait. And I wait. He comes home after midnight, already... sexed out! And I'm mad! I'm furious! I didn't mind that he went out and got some - we have a common friend who does that for him, and he's really good (I had my own experiences with him and Jacques last year). I hope that doesn't shock you either. Anyway, I'm all ready, but Jacques is too tired. So he falls asleep, leaving me hanging. Needless to say, I got on his case this morning, and now he's out, I'm pissed, and I need to vent.

Woh! That felt good. Almost like an orgasm!

I know I shouldn't stay mad. I mean, it was agreed that he would sleep around. It's just, between the agreement in the past and my expectations for that night - expectations which I did not share with him - I felt betrayed. My needs weren't answered, even if the prior agreement did not cause problem. I guess I'm okay with him sleeping around as long as I remain his number one, you see. And last night, I clearly wasn't. He could have just finished me off. I was already so hot and wet when he came in. Just plug a toy in there, or something, and ride me into sleep.

I hope I'm not being too graphic.

Anyway, I just needed to share these things. I hope I didn't shock you - I just needed to get these things off my chest.

Thanks a million,

Your friend,


To: [email protected]

Hi again

I really don't know what to say in response to your last e-mail, but from what I gather you don't really need me to say anything. It's hard not to pass some form of judgement, and I'm trying to refrain. I guess I can understand the logic behind your couple - it's not the first time I've heard of this kind or arrangement.

I guess the only thing I can say is: I hope you sort it out. I know how complicated relationships and feelings can be. I mean, you're obviously aware of the implications involved in this kind of behaviour, so I'm not going to preach. I just think it's everyone's personal business and I don't get involved.

I'm glad you feel confident enough - despite the fact that we haven't spoken in years - to share this with me. It's flattering, and you have my understanding and sympathy.

Hang in there



To: [email protected]

The reason I feel so comfortable taking to you about these things is two-fold. One: you're not in my face! Two: I feel like I know you better than I know my own Jacques sometimes. A few weeks ago, Danielle just kept chatting on-and-on about you all the time, telling me every single juicy detail of the dares that you'd been doing. She said you've stopped.

Hi again, by the way,

Don't worry about me and Jacques. He completely made it up to me the next day; I was sore for three days - kidding! But he did make it up to me, and we had some great sex. We talked a lot about it, how it made me feel, how I needed to be his priority. He explained how it was impossible for him to read my mind and that I needed to be more open and honest about everything I felt. He said he'd stopping having sex with other people altogether if that was what I really wanted. But that's not what I want. I guess I'm just jealous he's running off and I can't run off with him as much. I'm still mobile, but for some reason, once you start showing you're pregnant, no guy really wants to touch you anymore, even though it's perfectly safe for mother and baby - in fact, that's how italians induce labor in some cases. True story! But Jacques isn't turned off one bit, which is good for me.

I'm so glad we're able to communicate so openly, me and Jacques. Sometimes I think that's all that keeps us together, this great ability to say whatever we want and have the other listen, really listen, you know? If you'll allow me to be graphic, a few months ago, I really wanted him to enter me from behind - you know, anal. Don't ask me why, I'm not really into it, but that day, it just felt right. Now, he doesn't mind doing it, but never without a condom, which makes perfect sense to me. But we were out of them. We talked about it, I expressed my need. He felt it was really important so he interrupted what we were doing - leaving me with some toys to bide my time - and he raced to the convenience store to get some. And then he rode me hard, and it felt wonderful. I felt complete. If we'd just stayed with the usual routine, if we hadn't talked about it, I would have been left empty - so to speak. That's why I say communication is so important. Talk about your needs.

Danielle told me you had a party some weeks past, some kind of dare involving a girl you met at the mall, but she said she wasn't there so she couldn't provide me with the details. But I'm aching for some juicy sexy story - so if you could hit me up, I'd very much appreciate it. And I could find a way to compensate you, in due time...

Anyway, that's all for me. Thanks for caring.



To: [email protected]

Dear Rita,

I don't know what Danielle told you, but I would imagine she keep you in the loop, given how close how two have been in the past - at least that's what she claims. You want a story? How about you share one as well - not that you haven't been sharing, but the one I want involves you and Danielle, in your last year at high school if I'm not mistaken, and a game of truth or dare where you apparently said you wouldn't mind sleeping with her - and the few days later where you apparently actually did it. Danielle was quite evasive with that one.

It's true we haven't played in a while. I guess after the party with my friends and Sandra, I haven't talked much to Danielle. We chat through the e-mail. She's pretty busy with her homework and final exams, as am I.

As for the game we had, well, it was part of a dare Danielle had me do. I guess... I haven't really thought about it since then. She dared me to ask this girl, Sandra, out on a date... and then she dared me to have sex with her. And... but I'm getting ahead of myself. Tell you what. I'll give you every juicy detail if you start first, with the story I want to hear.

I have to agree though. Communication is important - if not vital - in any relationship... I'm glad you are able to get that with your boyfriend.

Best, and hope to read from you soon.

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