Thread: [FICTION] A Long Time Coming, Chapter II
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Old 10-29-2009, 06:37 AM   #15
getDare Succubus
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Dear Danielle,

I stopped typing. My mind was blank. I moved away from the computer, leaving everything as it was.

I had come back from Laurie and Jacob's place after completing the dare. Laurie had uploaded the pictures to me in a zip file and had promised to delete them on her end. I trusted her, well, at least more than I trusted Gilbert. I had checked the pictures and they had reminded me more of what we had done prior to the shower. I was still somewhat in shock. I didn't really know how it had happened, only that it had, and even though I enjoyed it, I still felt somewhat guilty.

As I logged into my facebook page, the chat popped up. It was Jacob.

Jacob: Hey bro, wattup?

I didn't answer yet.

Jacob: You okay? Laurie ask me to checkup on you. You cool?

Frank: Yeah good...
Jacob: Hope we didnt scar you.
Jacob: scare
Frank: Nope. Just surprised.
Jacob: Was cool, man. I enjoyed it.

I had a hard time accepting that Jacob did not mind what had happened, perhaps because I was projecting my own possible feelings on him. How could he not be bothered by the fact that his girlfriend had jerked me off, then sucked on me until I came? It made no sense to me. But at the same time, I did not want to ask the question.

Frank: Whatever.

I looked away from the computer. My phone rang. I answered.

"Hi Frank."

It was Laurie.

"Hi Laurie."
"Are you okay?"
"S-sure. Why?"
"When you left, you seemed... disturbed, and Jacob just told me you acted funny on facebook, so... what's wrong?"
"uh... I don't know..."
"It's about what happened, right?"
"I'm just a bit... well... don't get me wrong, I liked it a lot but..."
"But you're wondering why I did it? Why Jacob let me?"
"Something like that. I mean, I know you two haven't been as close as in the past, but, I didn't expect..."
"Frank, we haven't been a couple for months now."

Laurie's comment stunned me.

"Don't get me wrong, I still like him, and he likes me. We still have sex, just... not as a couple. Just as friends."

I remained quiet. I looked back at the screen. Jacob had typed something.

Jacob: It's true man. We're just FFs now.

I spoke up.

"Why didn't you say so before?"
"I don't know. We just didn't. Anyway, we still live together, so we make the best of it."
"I'm sorry, Laurie. I have to think about this. It's pretty shocking, well... not really, but, it makes me think."
"Do you want to talk about something? You seem... different."
"I didn't expect what happened...."
"No I mean, generally... there's something going on beyond the truth or dare, right?"
"I can't talk about it."
"Well, if you ever need to, we're here. I'm here. Can I be honest with you on something?"
"I wanted to do something like that with you for a while now. I'm glad I did. And if you ever want to do more, I'm game."

I said nothing. Strange thoughts filled my mind.

"Thanks, I guess... I have to go."
"Okay. Bye. Take care."
"You too."

She hung up. I put the phone back on its stand then typed one last thing for Jacob.

Frank: Gotta go. Take care.
Jacob: Sures. C ya.

I closed my facebook page. It brought me back to the email I had barely started writing.

First off, Saturday would be great for me. Where do you want to meet? For lunch? Before or after? Pick a specific place/time and I'll be there. I miss you too.
Something weird happened today, while I was doing your dare. I think... I'll wait until we meet to talk to you about it. It was puzzling, at best.
I'm including the pictures of the dare I did in the shower with my friend in a zip file. The pics are as you requested. Basically, the two of us in the shower, washing each other's bodies. We were naked, but the shots don't necessarily show it that much. It's mostly chests, stomachs, arms and legs. I hope you like them. I'll be honest: they look kind of funny to me, but I didn't have any stress doing the dare... but that's part of the story I'm keeping for Saturday.
Another truth for you : Where do you see yourself five years from now? Ten years? Twenty years?
I enjoyed reading your fantasy, by the way.
Anyway, I can't wait to hear from you again. Take care.

I finished the email and hit the send button. I then realized that I forgot to include the zipped file, so I clicked on the new message icon.

Absent-minded, I am.
Here are the pics. Enjoy!

I uploaded the zip file, which seemed to take forever, and then finally sent it on its way. We were now Thursday. My mind was already jumping forward to the next Saturday.

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