Thread: 11 Questions
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Old 09-04-2014, 06:23 AM   #8
cute pussy
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 20

1. Best liked feature of yourself. eyes

2. Radio or playlist/cd? radio

3. Bath or shower? bath

4. What do you usually have for breakfast? coffee and toast

5. Best feature on the opposite sex? eyes

6. Strangest place you’ve ever had sex. on a horse race track at night

7. Is sense of humor important to you? yes

8. Favorite story growing up. peter pan

9. At 10pm on a Saturday night, where would I find you? most times at home

10. Car or truck or suv? car

11. All time favorite fantasy and have you fulfilled it. host a party and serve all guests as a slave waitress for there pleasure. no i haven't fulfilled it.


1. If time, money and circumstance were no issue, what is your dream life? travel

2. Yes or no…anal sex? no

3. Given five implements to choose from, spreader bar, Ben wa balls, clamps, pinwheel or crop: which would you choose and why? crop. i like spankings

4. Fast food, or slow preparation at home? slow preparation

5. Neck, hips, inner thighs or just give it to me already!, which is your preferred tease? Neck

6. Have you ever squirted, and regardless, do you like the idea? occasionally

7. What’s your favorite way to read a book? don't read much
I read on my kindle. Anywhere I can. I love to read.

8. Describe your normal bedtime routine. take a bath have a drink of tea and go to bed

9. Favorite comedian or comedy show? Michael Crawford. some mothers do ave em.

10. Special date with that special someone….what would you wear and is it for you or for them? if its someone special something nice but shows some cleavage. it would be for him.

11. How much do you hate me right now? not much
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