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Old 08-22-2014, 02:10 PM   #5
A Butterfly Princess <3
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Originally Posted by SweetTeen View Post

What is the happiest moment in your life so far?
Hmm ... This is really hard because my top few happiest moments are either too personal to post publicly, or they are being re thought at the moment. I would have to say my little brothers graduation is in my top 5 happiest moments. I was so proud of him.

Favorite song at the moment?
I am loving Sam Smith "Stay with Me" and my all time favourite song is "I'm Your" by Jason Mraz (also Bubbly by Colbie Collait).

Favorite movie?
I don't think I have a favorite movie ... ummm... some that are at the top of the list would be:
Runaway Bride
Wedding Crashers
Bone Collector

Favorite toy?
My hitachi magic wand. It is so powerful, I can cum in only a minutes with it on high.

Would you consider to edge for each question you get? *hint hint for asslvr*
If Asslvr asked yes ... but it might kill me!

Whats the nearest object on your left?
My cell phone and a bottle of water.

Whats a kinky fantasy you thought about ?
Hmm ... I recently read in one of Aporia's blogs about a scenario in which she was tied up in the middle of a room while the guests were able to use her as they wished. I don't think I could actually do this in real life, but the thought has been stuck in my head since I read about it (-blush-)

Rather edge 100 times or have one ruined orgasm?
I have never actually experienced a ruined orgasm, but I know that 100 edges would kill me, so I will choose the ruined orgasm.

Are you going to ask me questions too?:P
Sure I will! I love asking questions.

Why is Asslvr to amazing?
Because he just is! I could spend days and weeks talking about what makes him amazing, but I will say this instead:
Asslvr amazes me more and more each and every day. He is incredibly sweet but also super devilish. He always knows which side I need to see and when. He truly cares about me, and he makes me a better person.

Favorite country?

Do you have any prejudices about germany?
Nope ... although I was just telling Asslvr this the other day ... German is such a hard language. You could be saying something that is absolutely beautiful, and it just sounds like you are angry.

What languages do you speak?
I speak English and can speak a small amount of French.

Worst punishment you received if so?
I haven't received too many punishments with Asslvr because he is very fair, and I hate to disappoint him. However, out of all the punishments I have ever received (some which were very not pleasant), my worst would be the first punishment I had to do with Asslvr. It was only 50 lines of a specific phrase, but the shame and sadness that I felt for having to be punished made it horrible.

Favorite task you did?
It would be the first time Asslvr and I used ice (you can read about it in my blog).

Do you remember one single great orgasm you had?
Yes!!! Again, this is documented in my blog. The first time that Asslvr and I used my pink vibrator in my ass. I had never had anything that large inside me, and it was incredible. We have had many more that have topped that since, but just the surprise of how powerful i was, Oh my goodness!!!
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My heart belongs to my Husband: Mr. Devious
Being tortured frequently by my Dom SleepySloth
Served by my loyal worm Jaro
Caring for my little TheBrat

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