Thread: 11 Questions
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Old 08-19-2014, 06:10 PM   #3
Happy Me
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Talking Fun!

Hi!! I like your questions!

1. Best liked feature of yourself.
My personality, and my boobs, and my eyes? idk.
2. Radio or playlist/cd?
Playlist! I hate commercials!
3. Bath or shower?
Shower. Baths feel kind of dirty to me.
4. What do you usually have for breakfast?
At home I usually eat granola or yogurt with nuts. Out I usually have an egg sandwich.
5. Best feature on the opposite sex?
I think this question is a little heterosexist... so... On girls I like boobs, and that little curve above the hip on the side. Rawr. I don't know that I have been with enough guys to know about that with them!
6. Strangest place you’ve ever had sex.
I have had sex in a lot of strange places. The craziest was in a glass bus shelter in the middle of the day, on a very large, very busy, street. I have had sex in the car in a drive-through car wash, in a cave, on a beach, out in the ocean, naked on a tiny island, in dance clubs, public restrooms... I can't even think of them all at once!
7. Is sense of humor important to you?
More than important, it is vital.
8. Favorite story growing up.
My dad was VP of an amusement park. One time I rode the wooden roller coaster 148 times in a row without getting off. I would also do things to scare the other riders on some of the rides, like scream, "We are all going to die!!!" and then scream my lungs out like I thought I was going to die. I made friends with the troubadours, like the mime and the little person (dwarf), and we would all hang out and have fun. The dwarf would sing this little song that I cannot really reenact online in text, but it was hilarious!!
9. At 10pm on a Saturday night, where would I find you?
Running home from hanging out with friends so I can be home in time to chat with my dommy.
10. Car or truck or suv?
Scooter! Feet! Walking is wonderful.
11. All time favorite fantasy and have you fulfilled it.
I have a million favorite fantasies, and have fulfilled lots of them. My current favorite is meeting up with my dommy in person, and it seems like it is going to happen soon!

1. If time, money and circumstance were no issue, what is your dream life?
Pretty similar to my current life, just with more traveling in it.
2. Yes or no…anal sex?
I have never had anal sex, so I really have no idea. *blushes*
3. Given five implements to choose from, spreader bar, Ben wa balls, clamps, pinwheel or crop: which would you choose and why?
I think spreader bar, because I have never used one and I like to try new things!
4. Fast food, or slow preparation at home?
Mmmmm homemade!
5. Neck, hips, inner thighs or just give it to me already!, which is your preferred tease?
Neck. My neck is super sensitive and someone kissing/licking it will drive me wild with horniness!
6. Have you ever squirted, and regardless, do you like the idea?
I squirt a lot. I like how it makes my sex partners happy. I don't like the mess.
7. What’s your favorite way to read a book?
I love to read books. Especially laying down in bed, or curled up on the couch, or sitting in the park. I have never read one on a kindle, but I had a lot of my textbooks in college online, and read them on my laptop.
8. Describe your normal bedtime routine.
I usually just kind of lay down, kik my dommy a bit and go to sleep. Sometimes he gives me a sleeping task (sleeping bound or stuffed or something) and then I do that. I love it when he does that!
9. Favorite comedian or comedy show?
I love Margaret Cho!!! I met her once!
10. Special date with that special someone….what would you wear and is it for you or for them?
I don't really know. I guess it depends on who it is and where we are going?
11. How much do you hate me right now?
You would have to do something really, really, really, bad to me (or something marginally bad to a friend of mine) for me to hate you. I am not really a hateful person.
What a beautiful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet.
I’m sick, please be nice.

Last edited by Happy Me; 08-19-2014 at 06:21 PM.
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