Thread: Fiction: The Dolls' House
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Old 08-19-2014, 01:40 AM   #146
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Default Chapter 46: The Younger Sister


Edward was standing by the bed in his underground room. Amy, Katie, Megan and Tammy were all sitting on the bed, staring at him. Edward was not looking at the girls, though, he seemed to be staring out into space.

“Amy,” he said, finally making eye contact with her, “I may have another task for you.”

He explained to her what he wanted her to do and she hopped off the bed.

“Yes, Sir,” she said, obediently.

Amy was about to leave the room when Edward called her back. “Wait,” he said, “Take Katie with you. I believe she may be very useful in the task.”

Katie climbed off the bed and joined Amy.

Edward watched as they left the room and then turned to the other girls. “While they take care of that,” he said, “I have other things for you two to take care of.” He gestured at the collection of mobile phones he’d taken from the girls and assembled on the table beside the bed. “Find your phones.”

Megan and Tammy selected their phones from the table.

“It’s Sunday tomorrow, so you don’t have school.”

Megan and Tammy nodded.

“Call your parents,” Edward said. “Tell them you’re staying at a friend’s house tonight, tell them that you’re perfectly safe and you’ll call them tomorrow.”

Megan dialled a number on her phone. “Hello, Mum? Megan. I won’t be home tonight. I’m staying at a friend’s house.” She listened for a few moments. “Yeah, er... Jenny Jackson from school. I’ll call you tomorrow. Love you.” She paused. “And love to Kayleigh.” She hung up.

Tammy started to dial her number but Edward stopped her.

“Who’s Kayleigh?” Edward asked Megan.

“My sister,” Megan explained.

“Older sister or younger sister?”

“Younger,” Megan said. “She’s twelve.”

Edward nodded and then indicated that it was okay for Tammy to continue.

Tammy dialled a number. “It’s me, mum,” she said, “I’m staying at a friend’s house tonight. They said it was okay. I’m perfectly safe. I’ll call you tomorrow.” She listened to the other end. “Okay, Love you.”

“Now,” Edward said to Megan, “Does Kayleigh have her own phone?”

“Yes, Sir. She does.” Megan said.

Edward took Megan’s phone from her and scrolled through the directory until he came to Kayleigh’s number. “Is this her number?” He showed it to Megan.

“Yes, Sir,” Megan said.

Edward raised his eyebrows and looked at the phone. Could this really work, he thought. He considered the possibility of having not only Kayleigh but also some of her tender young virginal friends in his grasp. Twelve-year-old girls were almost certain to be virgins, he thought, although it wasn’t a given. He needed to be sure.

“Is Kayleigh a virgin?” He asked Megan.

“Yes, Sir,” Megan said. “Of course, she is.”

Edward smiled. There was no ‘of course’ about it. These days, girls were so promiscuous. “And she has friends?” he asked Megan.

Megan nodded. “Yes, Sir, she does.”

Edward smiled. This could be just what he needed. “Do you, by any chance, have any pictures of Kayleigh on the phone.”

“There is one,” Megan said. She took the phone from Edward and scrolled through the photo gallery. “Here it is, Sir.”

Edward took the phone back and looked at the picture. Kayleigh was beautiful.

“Is it okay, Sir,” Megan asked, “It’s the only one I’ve got of her.”

“Yes, it’s perfect,” he said, “Tomorrow morning, Megan, I want you to call Kayleigh and tell her to meet you at the house. Tell her to bring as many of her friends as possible. There’s going to be a fun party and they’re all invited.”

Megan nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“There’s no need for them to dress up,” Edward added, “They can just come as they are.”

“Yes, Sir.” Megan smiled at him.

“It will be important, however, that parents do not know about it,” Edward specified, “It must be kept secret.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Edward needed virgins in order to regenerate and he knew he had limited time to acquire them. He had Rosie and Lucy safely stored in the holding tubes and Kayleigh would soon be joining them. Hopefully, Kayleigh would bring other virgins with her tomorrow. He’d have his pick of them. Any that weren’t virgins, he could use in other ways.

“It’ll be nice to have Kayleigh here,” Megan said.

“Yes,” Edward said, still looking at Kayleigh’s photo, “It will.”

Megan smiled at him again.

Edward smiled back. Megan really had no idea what she would be leading her sister into. He knew that, as long as that ring remained on her finger, Megan would kill her own sister if he asked her to...

...And, since the virgins had to be sacrificed, that would be a distinct possibility.

To be continued...
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