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Old 08-09-2014, 05:48 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: North America
Posts: 92
Default Glassblowing and History

When I was eight, I was raped for the first time during a two-person game of "Truth Or Dare".

Three years later after my half-brother was caught and took the case to trial, the prosecutor called it "sexual battery upon a child under the age of twelve".

He received life in prison.


I sometimes feel like he wasn't the only one.


My name is Ashlye.

I am twenty-two.

I am also a senior in college who double majored in glassblowing art and history. I know that it does not make sense for a career path, but I don't really care. Its impossible to make anything ugly out of glass. And I always believe that you can learn from the past, so that you can learn to not let it happen again in the future.

I have a boyfriend named Adam. He's really a great guy. We met my sophomore year, and surprisingly, he's okay with my choice of majors.

I tossed my frizzy brown hair up into a messy bun and frowned at myself in the mirror that was leaned up against one corner of my solo dorm room.

"Looking horrible as usual, Ash..." I murmured to myself as I tried to smooth my white and blue sundress down enough to try to look SOMEWHAT flattering on me.

I hate how I look, sometimes. My nose is too wide and I wish I had a thigh gap. Why can't I have one? I feel like that every time I step outside, everyone is noticing that I don't have one.

My purple-cased iPhone 5 rang, and I saw the photo I took of Adam making a goofy face on the lock screen. I slid the bar across and answered it.

"Hey, I'm downstairs. Can I come up yet?" he said, his voice only mildly teasing, as he knew that it took me FOREVER to get ready.

"Yeah, sure. My RA isn't around to bust you, so you should be fine."

Two minutes later, there was a knock on my door. Before I could open it, Adam had let himself in. He walked up to me and gave me a soft kiss. I closed my eyes and tasted heaven on his lips.

"You're as beautiful as the glass you blow, you know that?" he murmured into my ear, his hands pressing against my ass and lightly squeezing it.

"Murmphmurf" I said, letting myself go slightly so I could enjoy his warmth and Axe (Harmony?) scent that wafted off of him.

He kissed my neck this time and I shivered with pleasure as he then marked his territory on me.

"Weren't we supposed to go to dinner?..." I finally said as I tilted my head to the side for him to have better access to me. "And don't give me some line about 'how I'm your dinner.'."

He chuckled softly in response as I suddenly found myself, somehow, magically, pinned down on my bed with him on top of me.

He didn't say anything in return, but instead slid his left hand slid up my leg and barely touched my clit through the skin-tone colored thong that I had picked out so that it wouldn't show through my sundress outside.

My lips parted softly and I gasped in pleasure.

And then suddenly, my legs squeezed shut, my heart-rate spiked, and I tensed up as I flushed up and felt a heavy cold sweat break across my body.

"No no no no nonono...nonono..." I mumbled over and over again incoherently, tears starting to form in the corners of my hazel eyes as I stupidly, inappropriately, began to panic.

Immediately, Adam rolled off of me and the bed and stood up. I buried my face into the pillow, ashamed of myself and feeling incredibly guilty for all of this.

"Don't touch me. Just go. Leave." I ordered him, my voice muffled in the goose down feathers.

He hesitated and I KNEW that he was deciding whether or not to just ignore me and try to hold me.

I really hoped that he wouldn't.

I really, REALLY, hoped that he wouldn't.

He eventually did the right thing, as he has learned to do in the past, and walked away. I could hear him quietly going out my door and then shutting it behind him. I couldn't hear him walking in the hallway, so I knew that he was sitting down outside of my door, waiting for me to pull myself together and to then go outside to talk to him.

An eternity passed.

And then a second eternity passed.

And then a third.

Finally, I dragged myself together enough to sit up weakly and I looked at myself in the mirror.

My eyes were red and puffy.

And my nose is still too big.

I looked away, unsteadily got to my feet, and I then padded my way to my door, hoping that he was still there outside.

I opened...

And he was.

As he always is.

He looked up at me and faintly smiled as if nothing happened.

"Ash, do you want to put on some shoes and then we'll go out to dinner?" he said.

"Yeah...just give me just a moment." I replied.

~Fin: Prologue
I do not have an avatar, because I am a little dirty rebel.

The story I am writing, Rainfall.

Please give it a read, and tell me what you honestly think.


Piņa coladas, and getting caught in the rain. I like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape.


Coffee. The fact that Pushing Daisies only got two seasons. And that there are some people who really believe that love is not all you need.

Last edited by NowStop; 08-10-2014 at 08:19 AM.
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