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Old 07-18-2014, 06:47 AM   #8
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 31
Blog Entries: 1

It's been a long time since I have added to my story. My apologies. I haven't been on get dare for a long time and have forgotten my details but I have made a new account so that I can finally add to my unfinished tale of Elsa Birch. It picks up where it left off.


I remained crouching on the floor, trying to force my mind to leave me so I could escape the humiliation but I was stuck there to feel everything. I could hear someone opening a box or a cupboard but was fearful to turn around and even more afraid of what I might catch a glimpse of if I did. The headmaster spoke.

‘Mr Danes will now show you how to insert a plug for punishment Mr Birch. We use a variety of sizes here. The maintenance plugs are like this.’ I presumed he must be holding one up. ‘They wear these throughout school hours and they serve as a reminder of further punishments that could occur should they break the rules and improve posture. Though they are not painful once they have been inserted on a regular basis, they are an effective method for reminding the girls of their position here and most girls are humbled by it. However, sometimes more dramatic insertions are necessary as a punishment and what our Master of Punishment will demonstrate is a particularly severe one. I’ll pass on to you now Mr Danes.’

‘Thank you Headmaster. As Master of Punishments at St Mary’s, it is my role to design effective punishments for the young ladies that will stay with them. Sometimes this involves taking an individual and examining her tolerance to pain and finding ways to ‘break her in’ if you will. Your daughter, Mr Birch has a particularly high tolerance so it is necessary to find a particularly extreme punishment and I would recommend that in future punishments administered by yourself, you bear this in mind. It seems we have found that shame is particularly effective, especially in your presence. I will perform the insertion now for health and safety purposes but I’ll ask you to help along the way if you don’t mind because it is essential you feel confidence administering this type of punishment. Would that be acceptable Mr Birch?’

‘Absolutely. I am most willing to be involved.’

‘Splendid. Well let us not hesitate. Elsa, lower your head and elbows to the floor completely. We can’t have you falling over. This is going to be very hard.’ I obeyed. ‘That’s right. Now legs apart a little more. We need access to that rosebud of yours.’ I parted my legs.

Now that my head was on the floor, I could look backwards between my legs and was able to see the legs of the three men. Mr Danes was clearly aware as he bent down and looked directly into my eyes. ‘It is important’ he said to the other men ‘to ensure she is fully aware of what is happening. Make sure to make eye contact. You don’t want her to zone out. She needs to feel every shame, every feeling.’ My father then bent down and looked at me. I wanted to close my eyes and block it out but that would only earn me further punishment. I simply stared back, red faced, sick.

‘Now this is the plug I will use. I will show it to Elsa because fear and expectation is an important part of this.’ He held the plug out and I blanched at the sight of it. It was huge. Bigger than anything I’d ever had inside of me. It had a bulbous end and then an indent, followed by a larger bulb and then the retention indent which was ridiculous in its width. I was going to be so stretched. It was metallic and solid. Mr Danes went on. ‘This is the largest Elsa has ever had inside of her and it is going to be a very difficult insertion. Coupled with this, we will be coating it in a particulate potent lubricant. This prevents lasting damage to the sphincter but increased the pain dramatically.’ I heard a cap unscrew and a mixture of smells floated into my nostrils. It was not unlike the concoction applied to Clemmie. I shuddered at the thought. ‘It contains various chilli powders, mustard seed and menthol. If you put on some gloves - you don’t want this wiped on your face.’ I heard the snapping sound of latex gloves. ‘Now Mr Birch, to begin, I’ll ask you to apply the lubricant to the anus. If you pop your finger in the pot and get a large amount - that’s it. Now spread the cheeks with your thumb and forefinger of your other hand and just plunge that finger with the lubricant on straight in, hard, fast and as far as it will go.’

I saw my father crouch down again and look directly into my eyes. I could see the lubricant on his gloved hand. His fingers parted my bottom and then - exactly as Mr Dane had suggested - he plunged his finger in. ‘That’s perfect Mr Birch. Now move it round and coat all the sides.’ It took a second before the burning began but goodness, it was unlike anything I’d felt before. It was like there was a fire inside of me. I panted heavily. Unable to speak or cry, just completely overwhelmed by the pain.

‘Now Mr Birch, I will insert the plug and talk you through the process. Often with smaller plugs, it is a straight forward plunge and push until it is secure but this one isn’t going to be taken easily. It will have to be pushed in and out several times before the anus will accept it. This will help to widen the sphincter. Now I will coat it with lubricant too and place it against the anus.’ I felt the cold metal touch my sensitive hole, shortly followed by another bout of intense burning. ‘Next I’m going to push it in slowly but firmly until it reaches the widest point on the smaller bulb.’ He pushed the plug in and I felt the familiar sensation of my anus growing. Even the smaller bulb was large though and I was surprised that we hadn’t reached the widest point yet. Eventually he stopped. ‘There we go. And now, we are going to pull it back out and repeat that several times. It will start to slide in with more ease.’ He pumped the plug in and out of my behind until it loosened a bit and then he plunged it in to the first retention gap. ‘Now we have got it to this point, I’ll do the same thing but up to here but each time getting a little deeper so it starts to get further up the second bulb.’ This was truly horrid. I could feel my sphincter working overtime trying to open and close at the right time. It was getting wider and wider on the second bulb but I knew that there was probably loads more to come. All the time, the pain of the lubricant was tearing me up inside. With every push, I was panting like an animal. My hole was being stretched so much. ‘So you see Mr Birch, it is a pumping action to get it further and further in and it elongates the procedure to further the shaming. Would you like to try for a bit?’

‘Certainly.’ I could see my fathers shiny black boots between my legs. He grasped the end of the plug and began thrusting it in and out of me. I felt hideous, knowing what he was doing to me but had expected him to be more gentle still. I was very wrong. He was really going for it, hard and fast. It was now that I began to sob, taking deep gasping breaths. It did not deter him and the plug plunged deeper and deeper.

‘That is excellent Mr Birch! How pleasing to see a parent taking such an active role.’

‘Very good indeed’ agreed the headmaster.

‘Now’ said Mr Danes, ‘I will have to take over for the final part.’ The men swapped places and Mr Danes continued to move the plug in and out as he spoke. ‘I will give it one final, hard push to get it up to the retention indent.’ With that he gave it one huge heave and over the widest point it went and I felt like I was being torn in two before my abused anus closed in over the indent which was hardly less wide than the big bulb.’ I remained in my position, shaking and shuddering.
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