Thread: Fiction: New Slave in the City
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Old 07-15-2014, 10:46 AM   #4
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I remember those moments when I met Mr. Jack for the first time. It was this only morning when I met him for the first time. He looked so kind at first instant. His is fifty but is tall, muscular and healthy like a person of twenty-five.

'Good morning master' I greeted with a smile as I entered his room.

Alexia, my friend, was also with me. It was only ten in the morning when she came to drop me to him.

He smiled looking at us but didn't offered to sit.

'Ok, good luck. I am leaving now. When should I come back to get you?' Alexia asked me for the final time.

I looked my master for an answer.

'A week later, as I said' he said with same smile.

Alexia nodded, smiled and hugged me for the last time before she could leave. As she left the place in her car I looked my master. His smile was lost somewhere and his eyes were filled with something else than kindness.

'Slave, are new in this life?' he asked.

I nodded with innocence.

'Well then it's a quite painstaking job for me to train you' he said.

I didn't know what to do so I lowered my eyes.

'First of all you should know that you are a slave for me, whose value body as well as soul belongs to me. Your value is no more than a furniture to me' he said.

I nodded with my eyes down.

'You will have to do whatever I say, without any objections. You will have to ask for my permission in every thing, even before saying something' he said.

I nodded.

'And if you don't follow my commands, you will be punished severely. You should know that I am very strict and can make you bath in your own tears once I get angry' he said.

I nodded but now I am feeling a kind of scared.

'Ok, let's see how obedient you are. Take off your cloths and kneel with your hands on your head' he said.

That sounded awkward because his door was still open and people passing by were sneaking inside. I loosened my top and skirt and knelt wearing my bra and panty. i had no idea that he wanted me to get completely naked.

He smiled as I was kneeling in my bikini.

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