Thread: Sofia's Story
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Old 07-11-2014, 05:14 PM   #4
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Default Part 3

Ok. Here's part 3. Any suggestions or comments welcome!

Sofia had no idea how to reply, because she had no idea what he was suggesting. His words swam around, refusing to form themselves into any sort of logical order or pattern. Research. Inaccurate. Arousing. He had found it arousing.

As the silence between them gathered, she knew she had to say something. Even in this oddest of social moments, she understood it was her turn to speak.

"I... erm... I'm not sure... I mean.... What do you mean Sir? I don't get it." The words tumbled out, finishing with a sense of bewilderment at the last statement. I don't get it.

He looked at her carefully, then smiled again and spoke quietly, sincerely. "I'm offering to be your teacher Sofia," he said slowly. Sofia thought she detected an edge of excitement in his voice. "I've read your story. I sense that there are some things you long to know, long to discover. But you need to be careful Sofia. The things you have written about are dangerous, dark, and need to be treated carefully. It's something I have some experience of Sofia." As he spoke his eyes intensified, and she found herself looking away from him, in embarrassment, to the floor. "So I am giving you an offer, to let me teach you. I shouldn't of course. You're my student. But you are eighteen, and you're an adult. And I want to teach you."

As he spoke her eyes lifted again, but finding his eyes still fixed on her, she once more looked down. She listened again to his cultured voice, her mind playing and replaying the words he had spoken. This was so unexpected, so confusing. But as her mind began slowly to clarify, the swirling ideas settling into place, there was something she knew. It frightened her and she knew it was beyond dangerous, but she wanted to say yes to him, this clever, passionate man. She had no idea what he meant really, but she knew what he had read, her hidden, secret, desperate desire, and she wanted him.

She looked up, and this time she held his stare. "Yes," she mouthed. "Yes please."

He smiled, and he seemed both relieved and excited. "Good," he said, nodding his head slowly. "I have your email address from your records. I will email this evening. "

As Sofia left the room, carefully shutting the door behind her, she felt lightheaded. "What the hell just happened?" she whispered under her breath. "What the hell did I just say?"
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