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Old 07-11-2014, 07:07 AM   #88
Slenderman - Doctor
Truth or Dare Zealot
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 6,760

Awesome questions, Animefreak0413! Thanks

1. Have you listened to any of the songs produced by the band the Chameleon Circuit? If you have, what are your 5 favorite songs from them?

Tricky one because I liked many of Alex's, but I now refuse to listen to any of them due to what happened. I did like Type 40, and Travelling Man was fun. I still love K9's Lament and Gallifreyan History 101.

2. What is your favorite villain from Doctor Who?

I love the Kandyman, Davros (my first username here was Davros), and the Peter Pratt Master. Oldskool villains! High five.

3. Are you excited for the new series of Doctor Who starring Peter Capaldi as the Doctor?

I am, even more so now I've read the leaked scripts. Mostly excited to see Peter in action!

4. What is your favorite regeneration scene from Doctor Who and why?

I'm going oldskool again and I'm going to say Tom Baker into Peter Davison. I also love McCoy into McGann; Eccleston into Tennant and Jacobi's Master into Simm's Master. All wonderful scenes.

5. Have you read the Last Apprentice novel series? If you have read the series, did you like the book series? If you haven't read it and have no clue what the series is about, would you look the book series up?

I'll look it up, for sure! Never read it. Not sure if I've even heard of it actually.
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