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Old 07-11-2014, 05:27 AM   #87
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Hello Doctor, here are a few questions I would like you to answer.

1. Have you listened to any of the songs produced by the band the Chameleon Circuit? If you have, what are your 5 favorite songs from them?

2. What is your favorite villain from Doctor Who?

3. Are you excited for the new series of Doctor Who starring Peter Capaldi as the Doctor?

4. What is your favorite regeneration scene from Doctor Who and why?

5. Have you read the Last Apprentice novel series? If you have read the series, did you like the book series? If you haven't read it and have no clue what the series is about, would you look the book series up?

Here are my answers to the questions I gave you:

1. I like the Chameleon Circuit band. Here are my top 5 songs. Also, I put the links to the songs from YouTube if anyone is interested in listening to them:

Song #1. K9 Lament:

Song #2. Gallifreyan History 101:

Song #3. Kiss the Girl:

Song #4. Doctor What:

Song #5. Teenage Rebel:

2. This is a tough question to answer for me. My answer would either be : Davros, Pangol from The Leisure Hive, or the Master. I guess the Master would have to be my favorite of the 3 however.

3. Yes, I am excited and can't wait for the next series of Doctor Who. From the minute or so screen time from The Time of the Doctor episode, I think Peter Capaldi will be a great Doctor. 43 more days until the first episode titled Deep Breath airs. I can't wait for the episode to premiere.

4. My favorite regeneration scene would have to be either (Sorry I haven't seen all of the regeneration scenes) Matt Smith's regeneration to Peter Capaldi. My favorite line from the regeneration is "We all change, when you think about it. We're all different people all through our lives. And that's okay, that's good, you've got to keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be." I think this regeneration scene is a good scene to remember and it introduces the fans of Doctor Who to Peter Capaldi as the Doctor.

5. I like the Last Apprentice book series. It is a 13 book series about Tomas Ward and his struggles of being the Spook's apprentice. He goes through a lot in the 13 book series and I don't want to spoil anything from the series. It is a great book series and I believe rivals the Harry Potter series. It is quite graphic at times, with blood, murder and other stuff. I would recommend this book to anyone who is read either the Harry Potter series or the Hunger Games series.

Last edited by Animefreak0413; 07-11-2014 at 05:38 AM. Reason: Misspelling the Name of the band and one of the songs named Gallifreyan History 101
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