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Old 06-29-2014, 11:24 PM   #29
Happy Me
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1. Would you kiss #2? Already have, and would definitely again.
2. Is #5 male? Yes.
3. Would you trust #1 with your biggest secret? Without reservations.
4. Have you seen #4 naked? Yes. Gah. Sexy.
5. Do/did you want to see #4 naked? Yes! It was a wonderful surprise!
6. How long have you known #3? Since March.
7. Would you dance with #2? Yes, and I have.
8. Would you have sex with #5? Omg yes. I have dreamed about it!
9. Would you go shopping with #1? I don't think either of us really like shopping. Maybe grocery shopping before we cooked dinner together?
10. Would you let #2 see you naked? She has already, so yes.
11. Describe #1 in one word. Perfect.
12. Describe #2 in one word. Wonderful.
13. Describe #3 in one word. Funny.
14. Describe #4 in one word. This man can not be defined in one word.
15. Describe #5 in three words. Kind, adorable, enthusiastic.
16. Would you like to spank #4? Bahahaha. Yes. I like to spank anyone.
17. Would you lick chocolate off #3's face? Sure?
18. Would you go out with #2? Well, it is kind of past that already I guess.
19. Which colour would most suit #5 - pink or green? Pink.
20. #All - snog, marry, avoid, hug, poke?
I am not really sure about the definitions of snog and poke, but I am assuming things.
1. snog, hug, poke, and in an alternate universe, where it was actually possible, maybe possibly marry.
2. snog, hug.
3. snog, hug (why isn't spank in there?)
4. lots of hugs for sure!
5. same as 4.

I am not sure about posting the names! Maybe I will come back.
What a beautiful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet.
I’m sick, please be nice.
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