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Old 05-08-2009, 07:10 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Canada
Posts: 47
Default Two Boys : Truth or Dare? [Non-Fiction]

It started off on a normal day, Alex and I were playing Xbox as we did every friday night when out of the blue he asked me if I wanted to go swiming to which I answered yes.

We swam for about half an hour and then came back in to dry off. Then we each went into a different room to change our clothes. Once I was done, I opened the door to the room he was changing in and caught him nude, masturbating.

I immediately closed the door and went downstairs and continued playing Xbox as if nothing had happend. He then came downstairs and started playing too. Then, out of the blue, he looked at me and said.

''You saw mine, I should get to see yours too''

''Dude, it was an accident, it's not fair to ask to see mine too'' I answered.

''I think it's more than fair, you saw mine, i see yours'' he said.

At this time, I knew that no one was at his house except us two. I didn't wanna do this, I really didn't but he was right, it was the only fair thing to do. So without even thinking about it again, I lowered my pants and my briefs revealing my dick to him.

''Was that so hard?'' he said in a mocking tone.

We continued playing Xbox and soon after I said.

''How bout we play a game of truth or dare?''

''Sure, you go first'' he answered.

''Truth or Dare?''


''Since we've both seen eachother nude before, I dare you to remove all your clothes until your parents arrive'' I said.

He started removing his clothes and finally removed his briefs revealing his dick to me. His dick wasn't too big but rather thick. He then looked at me with an intense look and said.

''Truth or Dare?''


''I dare you to strip until my parents arrive'' he said.

Before he was even done, I had removed my clothes and was now fully nude.
We continued playing Xbox for a while when suddenly I asked if we could maybe watch a little porn. We went on his computer and started watching porn.

I started slowly stroking my dick when suddenly he pushed my hand away and started sucking my dick until I came inside his mouth...
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