Thread: Fiction: Strip Snooker
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Old 06-14-2014, 01:40 AM   #2
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Default Strip Snooker Part 2



James thought a bit more, making sure he was doing the right thing. “I dare you to take off your shoes so that the next time you have to remove an item it will not be them.”

“You little bastard!” Lucy threw down her cue on the floor.

“Watch it,” James said, “That’s part of my birthday present.” He giggled when he saw the look on Lucy’s face.

Lucy took off her shoes and kicked them under the table. “Happy?”

James nodded. “More than,” he said. “Your go.”

Lucy picked up her cue again, chalked the tip and played a shot. She potted a red and somehow screwed the cue ball back to gain position on the blue. “There,” she said, “Fuck you!”

James watched as Lucy lined up the blue ball into the corner pocket.

Lucy played her shot. The blue ball was propelled toward the middle pocket. It hit the lip of the pocket and bounced back up the table into the reds. “Shit,” she hissed.

“You have to give me a truth,” James said.

“I know, I know,” Lucy shouted. “How big’s your penis?”

James wasn’t expecting that. “Soft or hard?” he said.

“Both,” Lucy said.

James wasn’t sure if Lucy knew what that actually meant considering she was only fourteen but she certainly knew what a penis was so he told her anyway. “It’s about three inches soft and five and a half inches hard.”

“Wow,” Lucy said, genuinely amazed. “THAT big?”

She obviously didn’t know what size penises were but he didn’t want to disillusion her. “Yeah,” he said, “I’m very well endowed.”

James got down to play his next shot. Even though it was a half-size table, it had the full complement of fifteen red and there were eight reds left on the table, six up at the top end and two at the bottom of the table behind the yellow, brown and green balls.

He lined one of them up and potted it easily. He looked for a colour. There wasn’t an obvious one to pot so he considered playing a safety shot and putting the cue ball behind the pink, blocking the reds and snookering Lucy. This wouldn’t give him a great advantage under his new rules but, if Lucy failed to pot anything and missed, it was the penalty rule.

Lucy looked at the position for a bit. “Are you allowed to do that?” she asked.

“Of course,” James said, “It’s called a safety shot.”

“Oh.” Lucy lined up the shot, attempting to bounce the cue ball off the side cushion and hit one of the reds.

If she hit it, James knew, it would be a valid shot. If she missed a red, it would be the penalty and she would have to either miss two goes enabling him to get a good advantage over her or she would have to take off two items of clothing. Either way, she would be worse off than him.

Lucy hit the cue ball. It hit the side cushion and came off at an angle towards one of the reds. The reds were quite widely spread and only six of them were in the right area; the other two were still at the bottom of the table from her break-off shot. The cue ball was travelling in the right direction to hit a red but not quite fast enough. It stopped about a quarter of an inch away from the red.

“Fucking poo,” Lucy said.

James laughed. “Well, sis, what’s the penalty to be? Miss two goes or take off two items?”

“Miss two goes,” Lucy said.

That meant James had three goes in a row. He had his next proper shot, then the two goes from Lucy losing her turns. He was determined to take advantage of the situation.

James looked at the balls. He could pot a red and stun the cue ball to leave him on the pink into the corner pocket. From there, he could take another loose red into the middle pocket and run through for a long green into the bottom corner pocket. And, as luck would have it, there were two reds at the bottom of the table. He reckoned he might be able to clear the table in three goes. However, Lucy was wearing four items of clothing so he needed four breaks of three or more balls in order to divest her of everything.

He looked at his sister and mouthed: “Sorry, sis.” Then he giggled and took his shot.

The red landed in the top corner; the pink in the opposite top pocket. He replaced the pink on its spot and then potted the next red in the middle (with a bit of a wobble). The cue ball was on the green. He potted the green, re-spotted it and then gently ran one of the reds towards the yellow corner pocket. The red stopped just by the pocket.

“That was my first go,” he said. “Four balls so you have to take an item off. What’s it to be?”

To be continued...
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