Thread: Need to vent.
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Old 06-03-2014, 03:58 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by OnTheRimOfMyGlass View Post
Yowza. No, that's not what I'm saying at all. Not even close.

There are a growing number of accounts of guys who have set up accounts as women on various dating sites and written about the experience. Here's one of the more recent ones where a guy points out being deluged, often by repeat messages from the same people getting increasingly agitated and insulting at the lack of a response. See again what I said about reading the subject lines only. See again what I said about deleting in bulk if they're even willing to try to dig through the scum. See Louis CK on dating because this stuff is so depressing that some funny is seriously needed.

If your conclusion is that this comes down to a woman being smart enough to figure out how to delete spam, I think that you are either significantly ignorant of what it's like to be overloaded every time you look at your email, or you're starting from a really low baseline level of respect for women.

If, however, you have a history of finding people who've managed to create accounts and set up profiles which compel you to send them messages, and then regularly you actually learn -- not assume, not make some sour grapes response to not hearing back -- actually learn that they couldn't figure out how to delete spam, then perhaps you have a poor capacity for determining intelligence when looking at a profile before you send a message. In which case, maybe you're getting a little over-excited and need to slow down a bit.

I get spammed here on GetDare quite a bit, in PM, in whispers in the chat and with private chat requests. And it always bugs me, because it says in my profile that I am NOT single, NOT a Mistress and NOT interested! But apparantly its too hard to read that... Imagine how much I would get if I -were- a single Mistress who was looking!

It depends on my mood if and how I answer these spammers, I ignore them, send a short apology or snarl at them. Yes, women have moods too, and yes, we do get pissed off at ignorant people who do not read. It's not all sunshine and roses :P
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