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Old 04-20-2009, 07:02 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default The Mistress and Her Pet (Fiction)

Three years ago I was a person. Three years ago I owned my own business, had a beautiful wife and family, all the money I would ever need. I had it all. Yet it took only moments for it all to be taken away from me. They say it wasn't my fault but I will never be able to forgive myself. Maybe that's why I am where I am today; laying naked on the hardwood floor of my Mistress's kitchen, eagerly waiting for her to offer me scraps from her dinner. Tonight she prepared spaghetti so at best I can hope for a bit of tomato sauce or the crust of some French bread. These scraps of food are one of the few connections I have left to remind me of my old life but even so, I remember very little. I don't want to remember.

Ah! My Mistress has extended her hand out under the table in my direction. Will I get something to eat? I hurry over to her but I can see her hand is empty. It doesn't matter though. I approach her and sniffed her hand. There was a faint remaining scent of her hand lotion that she had applied at some point in the day. It was heaven. Mistress ran her hand through my hair and slowly made her way under my chin and gently rubbed. I am her pet and I live for moments like this. “Well you sure are affectionate today aren't you my little precious?! Yes you are!” my Mistress was talking to me using that semi-degrading voice that most people use when they talk to their pets but she was using unfamiliar words. Mistress trained me very early on to react only to specific words and commands. Everything else was just tones. I stick out my tongue and begin to lick her hand but Mistress stop me before I can really get into it. She returns her hand back to the top of the table for a moment and brings it back down holding a single spaghetti noodle about 6 inches long. It still had some sauce on it! I quickly took a bite out of it, enjoying the taste. Another bite, this time more aggressive. Mistress simply dropped what was left of the noodle on the floor to prevent herself from getting bit, not that I would do that to her. I'm a good pet. With the greatest speed possible, I dropped down and licked up the last bit of the noodle off the floor, making sure to lick the floor clean of any possible sauce that might have been left behind.

“Pup!” My Mistress was calling me. I turned and looked up at her. She was holding out a single finger which had a bit of sauce on it. Stupid! I had been so distracted getting everything I could off the floor to even notice I was being offered a feast! I reached up with my mouth to lick her finger but Mistress pulled it back at the last moment. I sat up slightly trying to reach her finger again but as I did so my Mistress reached forward and wiped her finger off onto the tip of my nose! The sweet smell of the tomato sauce entered my nostrils driving me into a frenzy to taste it. I tried licking my nose and shaking my head violently, anything to get it off so that I could have it in my mouth. In the end though, I had no way of getting to it. The thought of using my hands never even occurred to me. I laid down, defeated and saddened and all I could do is whimper. “Awww, poor Pup. You just want a taste don't you? I swear I'm going to end up spoiling you by feeding you from the table.” My Mistress's sympathetic tone caused me to raise my head up and look at her. Would I be given a second chance at the sauce?

My Mistress rose from her seat and carried her dishes to the sink where she rinsed them. I managed to catch a brief glimpse of her plate before it disappeared. It was still covered in sauce and with at least three noodles left on it! Why wouldn't she give them to me? I must have done something to deserve this denial. I'm sorry Mistress! I just sat up and looked at my Mistress with the most apologetic look I could muster. Her back was still towards me as she finished cleaning her dishes.

My Mistress was perfect. Her beautiful form and divine looks captivated me. There used to be someone else I felt this way about in my old life but I cannot remember what she looks like any more. Now there is only my Mistress. She stood tall and strong, her long blond hair was smooth and clean. I lusted for her. Finished cleaning, my Mistress put the dishes away and turned around, drying her hands on a towel. Our eyes met for a moment but nothing was communicated. I just sat there and stared at her looking as sorry as I could in order to repent for whatever it was I did that prevented me from getting more scraps. “Poor pup... come here...” I knew what 'come' meant. I crawled towards my Mistress who squated down to be closer to me. She took the towel and cleaned the sauce off of my nose. I wish she had left it. I can't smell it as good now.

“There ya go... now why don't we get your dinner ready?” My Mistress rose and collected my empty food dish out from the corner of the kitchen. Rinsed clean, she popped open a can of wet dog food and shook the contents out into my food dish. It slid out all at once and landed in the bowl with a light thump, still maintaining it's can shape. After throwing out the can and refilling my water dish, Mistress sat the food down in front of me. My stomach growled as I looked at the food in my dish. My mouth began to water. I know from the can that this is called “beef flavored”. Did I used to eat something called beef? If not, I guess I do now. My body sprang into action while my mind still drifted. The wet dog food tasted good. Not as good as the tomato sauce but that's ok. That is food for my Mistress and she should have the best tasting things. Who am I to even think of my Mistress's food to be an option for me? Stupid stupid! I took a few more bites before lapping up the clear water from my water bowl. I love my life. I love my Mistress.

If you would like me to write more on this one, please let me know!

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