Thread: Lucid Dreaming
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Old 05-08-2014, 09:50 PM   #8
Truth or Dare Junkie
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I finally think I have lucid dreamed now but something else pretty scary happened.... what I am pretty sure was sleep paralysis.

I was in bed with my girlfriend and she was thankfully awake and reading a book. I was lying on my side with my back to her and I dreamed there was a little boy and a dog standing at my side of the bed just watching me. It makes me shiver to think of it even now. Since I was paralyzed the only thing I could control was my breathing, so I started breathing in and out really quickly and as hard as I could. My girlfriend noticed right away and shook me awake to ask me what was wrong. Thank goodness. It was a pretty frightening experience.

Anyone else had any kind of sleep paralysis in their life?

hi there! hope you are having a great day! feel free to say hi to me on discord! `Bantering` love you all <3
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