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Old 04-03-2014, 07:41 AM   #9
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: United States
Posts: 60
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What's your gender? Are you sub or dom? Who were you looking for?

Male dom looking for a female sub.

How many responses have you received? How many of them were serious (as opposed to "im u're master now, slut" kind of thing)? What does a typical response look like?

I received 1 response. It was excellent - absolutely first class, very detailed and clear. We were quickly able to figure out we weren't right for each other. I didn't receive any unserious responses.

Beyond that, having it in my post history has been helpful just for giving people more of an idea of who I am. I've had people I was already chatting to ask about something in my ad or otherwise reference it even though they weren't applying.

Have you found who you were looking for? If not, would you consider the time you invested in writing the ad worth it?

I do not know, honestly. Not because of the ad, certainly. I waver on whether it would be worth it to try a 2nd ad. There are so many male dom ads, they quickly get buried. As an alternative, I have been thinking of starting to blog...

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