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Old 03-24-2014, 09:31 PM   #4
getDare is Go Go Go
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Join Date: Apr 2013
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jlstockton25 - Of course you had a ton of responses!!

Happyme127 - Thank you for sharing that response!

What's your gender? Are you sub or dom? Who were you looking for? Female/sub/male Dom

How many responses have you received? How many of them were serious (as opposed to "im u're master now, slut" kind of thing)? What does a typical response look like?
I had maybe 50 the first time and maybe 30 the second time. I would say I received a handful of actual good responses each time. The first time I received quite a few one-liners and the second time I received mostly decent responses, although a few copy & paste jobs. I would say typical decent responses just show evidence that they read my ad. I received one incredibly amazing response to my second ad that addressed every part of my ad with really good, honest, and witty responses.

Have you found who you were looking for? If not, would you consider the time you invested in writing the ad worth it?

I have found what I was looking for! The first time it was someone who responded to my ad and the second time it was someone who was kind of a friend before I posted who I would have never thought had any interest in me - he didn't respond to the ad but brought it up in conversation later. I still think the time invested in writing the ad was worth it.
I'm just a cute little bunny
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