Thread: Fiction: --Alex--
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Old 02-27-2014, 10:39 PM   #4
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 13

Wow guys! Over 450 viewers in a few days. Than you all so much. I hope a small fraction of that is people who actually read the story. XD
Anyways. Back to the story! Oh, and I decided to not do "part" posts. This is all one big story.

"Lets go boys! Hustle, hustle, hustle!" Commanded the coach to the Lacrosse team. The team was doing Indian Runs around the track. Indian runs is when everyone gets in a single-file line and jog in one lane on the track, then the last person in the line has to sprint to the front of the line. Then the second to last person did it as well, and so on. It was an easy and fun exercise to do for a short period of time, but when doing it for a long time, it was torture.
Alex and Dexter were sitting on the bleachers during Josh's practice. Watching him and the other twelve members on the team do relays with their sticks. It was fun watching them go back and forth across the field in their blue, black, and white Lacrosse gear. Josh was some-what easy to spot. He was one of the shorter guys, with a big 5 on the back of his jersey.
Practice was running long. It was passing through its third hour until Alex and Dexter started to get extremely bored. So they called up their mother to pick them up.
"Hey. Dex and I are at Josh's practice, and its starting to kida get really bored. Can you pick us up?" Asked Alex.
"Sure, but I just left work, so it will be about a thirty minute wait. You okay with that?" She answered. Dexter nodded in approval at Alex.
"Fine with us."
"Okay, I'll be there in a bit."
"See ya." Alex hung up. "Well, we got thirty minutes. What are going to do to burn that off?" Alex complained to Dexter. "What were those new games you mentioned to James a few days ago?"
"Ohhh, those. Just a few fun ideas I had. One of them was pranking Josh by putting a picture of a cracked screen on his computer to freak him out." Dexter said with a evil grin on his face.
"Ha. Careful, he will get you back!" Alex reassured Dexter.
"You're right. Umm, we can play 'Would you Rather'. (NOTE: They don't know what TorD is) Want to play a round now?" Offered Dexter.
"Sure, I'll go first. Would you rather eat a rat or a snake?" Alex challenged.
"A snake, they are cool." Dexter replied. "My turn! Would you rater be a boy or a girl?"
"I will stay boy. Would you rather go to school only wearing a shit, or shorts?" Alex caught Dexter off guard.
"Only wearing shorts."
This went on and on until their mother arrived. Josh was on a five minute break. His mom brought him a sandwich, and picked up Alex and Dexter and brought them home.

The boys blasted through the front door, taking off their shoes, and ditching their backpacks at the base of the stair case. Then the sprinted up the stair to their room. They had two hours until James arrived. They had to pick up their room, and setup James's sleeping area. Dexter skimmed over his area, picking up and trash and dropping into the trashcan while Alex pulled out the blankets and two pillows. He threw them on the floor, and made them nice and tidy. Before the knew it, they were done with an hour and thirty to waste.
"Hey, go downstairs for a bit. I'm going to get changed." Alex asked.
"What ever." Confirmed Dexter. And he left the room.
This gave Alex sometime to setup his camera. He cleared off a little area on his desk under his loft bed, it had a shelf that was ground level. He snuggled the camera between two binders, one tagged Flights, used for flight details, and the other tagged Ideas. This was the binder Alex and Dexter used to write ideas they had. Weather it be ideas for trips, how to re-arrange the room, or games to play during sleepovers and play-dates.
After the binders were put back, he but some random pencils and tape to cover the lights, and taped the screen so there would be no light. The only thing that was exposed was the record button, which he could easily push when he was ready.
After taking a few steps back, he looked back at his setup, making sure it was not obvious there was a camera there. He was pleased with the setup, out on a fresh pair of shorts, and went down stair to where Dexter was playing on the Xbox.
"All is good upstairs Dex" Alex said with a slight grin.
"Perfect! Here, lets play a few round. James will be here a bit earlier." Handing Alex a controller.
After a few rounds of Team Death Match, they were tied. Three to three.

During the last thirty seconds of the tie-breaking round, there was a ring at the doorbell. James had arrived early as planned.
"Hold on!" The boys yelled.
Three, two, one.
"BAM! Headshot!" Alex jumped up in victory.
"Clam down. Rematch later." Dexter said defeated.
He walked over to the door opened it.
"Welcome!" Dexter greeted his friend as he walked in.
"Ready for tonight?" James said excitedly. We waved out the window to flag his mom that he was in safe.

"I totally am." Dexter said with a grin. This caught Alex off guard.


This is too much fun! I love writing stories. If you guys have any feedback, comments, requests, notes, don't be afraid to post them! I don't bite. (usually)

Thank you for reading!
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