Thread: Fiction: --Alex--
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Old 02-27-2014, 12:05 AM   #2
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 13

Part 2

**Beep Beep** **Beep Beep** Went off the fire alarm.

It was the third Tuesday of the month, which meant fire-drill day! All of the kids filed out of their classes and into the hallway. Some with their fingers in their ears, blocking out the ear piercing sound, and others laughing and joking over the whole ordeal. Alex was in class E3. Which fed right into the fire lane. While Dexter was having physical education during the drill, so his class was already outside.
As the classes in the school started to head to the black-top in the back of the school, kids got a chance to split up and meet with their friends. Alex detached from his class to find Dexter. After about a few minutes of pushing through crowds of students, he found Dexter with his class sitting on the benches.

"Hey there stranger." Alex nudged Dexter.
"What up?" Dexter said, turning away from his group of friends.
"Drill lasts for quite some time, so I thought I would try to find you. I got bored." Alex explained.
"Well, you're here. Find James?" Asked Dexter.
James was a friend of Dexter. He lived two houses down from the boys. Dexter and James were friends since, well birth practically. Back then, James's mom and their mom worked together in pharmacy.
"Haven't seen him since last Friday." Alex answered. James slept over most, almost all Friday nights. Alex and Dexter would pull out a separate mattress for James to use.
"Can you go find him? I have an idea for what we can do this Friday." Asked Dexter.
"Sure." Alex took off, back into the thick of the crowd.
Tossing and dogging through the groups of kids made Alex feel like a ninja of a sort. In no time, he found James talking to his friends.
"Hey. Dexter is looking for you." Alex told James.
"Perfect! Be right back guys." And he took off with Alex back to Dexter. James was a shorter kid. He had extremely blonde hair. Not white, but very blonde. He wasn't fat at wall, but he wants a skeleton either. He was right in the middle. He was some what into sports. He played little-league soccer. And he was good.
Returning back to Dexter, the boys took a second to catch their breath.
"Got him!" Alex noted Dexter.
"Hey man." Said James.
"Ready for this weekend?!" Exclaimed Dexter.
"Just like any other!" Responded James.
"Dude, I thought of a bunch of new games we could play to spend the night away."
"Niccce! Can't wait. Are we goanna be in yours and Alex's room again?" Asked James.
"Yep." Answered Dexter.
At this, the alarm stopped, and the students were given tem minutes to get back to class. So they all said their farewells, and went back to class.

For the rest of the day, something bugged Alex. What where these "new" games Dexter came up with?
He was only left to his imagination to that. But he had a way to find out. See, Alex is a master at stealth. There is no way on Earth anyone can keep something from him. Try hiding the chocolates? Alex will find them with in a day. He knows his way with words. Knowing how to gain the trust of people was a trait he learned at an earlier age. And he used it. A lot. He has spoiled three of his BirthDays so far due to this. Ezdropping on his parents when they were talking about his present. But this time, Alex had a different approach plan. It was a bit more complex, and required extreme stealth.
He had the idea that he would prop his personally camera on the desk, and had it covered so it couldn't be seen, and he would record with the camera facing the entire room. Alex used this technique once before. He had wanted to see what his friends did in his room while they changed. Alex would wait in the hallway. And it worked! Alex has a secret folder hidden deep in his computer that is locked that has that one video of his friend changing. Of course, it was too bright, and it was hard too see anything due to a glare. But Alex had a fix to this. To close the blinds.

At home the next night, Alex tried his new fix to his secret camera. He purposely stayed downstairs, gaming with Josh while Dexter took a shower. They were half way through a match until Alex heard the bathroom door open, then his bedroom door close. His heart started to race.
"You good?" Josh concerned.
"Ya. Just want to finish this round so I can hit the hay." Nervously responded Alex.
The game lasted anther five minutes, a five minutes of straight anxiety for Alex. Hoping Dexter would not find the hidden camera.
The door opened again, and Dexter stood at the top of the stair case watching them game. His hair wet from the shower.
"Who's winning?" He asked.
"Me!" Exclaimed Josh. He was always a competitive gamer.
The round came to an end, with Josh getting the final kill.
"YAY!" Shouted Josh.
"Damn." said Alex in defeat "oh well. Good game. Night, lets go Dexter."
"Night boys." Said their mom and dad.
"Night mom, night dad. See ya Josh." They said heading up the stairs to their room.

The boys entered the room. Dexter went into his loft bed. And Alex cleaned up a bit.
"Ugh, pick up your dirty clothes Dexter." Complained Alex.
"I don't smell a thing." Dexter said in a confident way.
"Look at this desk! Messy" Alex swiftly grabbed the camera from behind the boxes it was hiding behind. Already getting a bit turned-on by the thought what could be on that tape. But the thought of it being his brother cured that. Alex was in NO WAY gay. He was eleven. He had no idea what it meant. He never heard of a 'dick' or 'pussy'. Same as Dexter. As sure as their elementary school minds knew, there was 'wiener' 'hot dog' 'nuts' 'balls'. The theory of 'gut hair (pubic)' was being said be the really immature kids.

Alex nonchalantly tossed the camera into his sheets, and climbed up. He hid the camera under his blanket to hide the screen brightness.
"Night bro." Dexter said with a yawn.
"Night." Alex responded.

Alex pretended to be asleep for a bit, to wait for Dexter to fall asleep. Then he brought the camera out and went to 'Play'. And he fond out that his fix was a-


Success or fail? Find out next time!

Thank you for reading! This is a great way for me to shake off all of the immaturity I have.
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