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Old 02-05-2014, 01:22 PM   #11
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 48

Originally Posted by thingywhat View Post
alright... i wasn't really sure where to post this, this isn't really a dare, but this is a dice arbiter for spanking. any dare can reference this post as a punishment, or as part of another dare. if you can't think of adequate spanking terms for a punishment, or want to include spanking in your dare, but don't know what would be reasonable, feel free to reference this post! or you can do it on it's own just for fun!

this was made with two people in mind, but can be done solo

the purpose? to randomize and determine the type, harshness, and length of a spanking. you will need one dice

so, here are the parameters:

with what?
1) lucky! (kinda) you get to choose from below.
2) open hand spanking.
3) a spoon
4) any paddle like object (proper spanking paddle is preferred, but something like a ping pong paddle is adequate)
5) a belt
6) a switch (break off a stick from a tree that is about 2-3 feet in length)

how hard?
1) more like "stingy pats".
2) about the equivalent force that you would use to throw a basketball to a teammate 10 feet away.
3) decently hard, but not full out
4) as hard as possible without it being stressful on the spanker's arm
5) as hard as you would punch a punching bag.
6) you are the very embodiment of satan himself, and you are out to get full vengence on the bottom that will be spanked. let them feel the full force of hell!

what can the spankee wear?
1) they can be fully clothed!
2) their pants must come off halfway though the spanking.
3) pantsless the whole way!
4) pantsless, and underwear comes off halfway though the spanking.
5) pantsless and underwearless the entire time.
6) we like to keep it pure... fully naked!

room conditions
1) door closed in your room
2) in your room with the door open
3) door open and in full view of outside of your room
4) someone else's room with the door open
5) bathroom with the door open
6) bah! who cares about privacy? a hallway

how many swats?
how many swats in this spanking? this will be determined by the severity and circumstances of the calling dare. if it is on a per-task basis, two dice rolls will determine how many swats you'll get. if it is just a one-time punishment, three dice rolls will be the arbiter. if this is a really harsh punishment, four dice rolls will do the trick!

roll the dice as many times as specified above, and additively multiply to get the amount of swats you will have to endure. so if you roll two dice, and get a 2 and a 5, you will get 10 smacks. but if you are getting a harsh punishment, and roll a 6, 5, 3 and 2. that is 180 slaps because 6x5x3x2 = 180. ouch!
I love this dare and would love to give it a go. But as I'm a naughty girl I don't trust myself to roll for myself so will anyone roll for me. I will provide proof of completion ....
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