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Old 01-06-2014, 07:59 PM   #179
Happy Me
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Note Updates and Shadowice's work dare

Originally Posted by darelover2694 View Post
If you are still up for dares I have a great one. Get a bucket of water and fill it to 3/4 full. Then get a lot of ice cubes and pour them in. Next Place a stopwatch beside the bucket. You will dunk your head inside the bucket for 1 whole minute. For every second off of a Minute you are, you will times that number by 4 and that is how long you will dunk your breasts in there for
It is 7 degrees F (-14 degrees C) here and my heat broke today. And I don't own a bucket. I am not going to do this one.

Originally Posted by bunz View Post
You're Welome
You did a nice job and thanks for sharing your experience.
Thank you Bunz. You are so sweet. You should sign on yahoo more.

Today is the first day of my denial. I am really not sure how I can do this. Shadowice sent me a tease he wants me to do, but I am not even sure if I can do it! It has like 2 billion edges in it. The most I have ever done was about 15, and I cried. BUT. I kikked it to my dommy and he thought it was so hot that he basically said I had to do it. So I am doing it (or at least going to try). I can't share the link on here, because there is also some porn in the sidebar of that page, but I will do my best to write up a good report when I am done. The tease is also really incredibly long, which means that is all I will be doing for the evening.

Shadowice's work dare:
Originally Posted by shadowice0823 View Post
Most girls mention or at least think how they would love to have a penis for the day. So you are going to have your very own penis all day long at work tomorrow! Take your dildo to work and promptly go to the bathroom and slide your dildo in your panties. Use whichever setup we tested and you feel will work best for you, I think you decided just 1 pair of panties. Off or on I will leave that up to you since you are at work and did mention you could possibly try it on if no one was around but otherwise it might have been noticeable.

If at any point it becomes uncomfortable in a painful way (not because it makes you horny you have to suffer through that) please remove it and you can reinsert later on in the day if you feel it will be ok. Now during the day you need to treat it like a real cock. Not sure if your open to the idea of doing one standing up since pee is a limit, but that would be amusing. If you are open to that just hold the vib up a little higher and just imagine that stream is coming from your cock today. When you are done no matter if you sit or stand give your cock a few shakes to get all the drops off. Remember not more than 3 shakes or its considered playing with yourself! You should also scratch, and readjust yourself multiple times during the day through your pants of course.
Hello Shadowice!

I did this today at work. I brought my dildo in in my purse, and went straight to the bathroom to put it in my undies. Everyone was there today, so I did not turn it on.
I had it in the entire work day, I never did have to take it out. I took it out right before I left for my walk home.
I am trying to think about how to explain this, it is not so much a linear story, just because it was about 8 hours, which would be too long to write all out, and also because things are kind of grouped together.
Having the dildo in there, kind of rubbing on my clit, but definitely created pressure in my pussy/labia. I was already really horny, but this created a much more intense awareness of my pussy/horniness/throbbing etc. The one time I pulled it out of my undies to pee, it was just covered in wetness. My undies were wet, my pants were damp... it was pretty intense! I have been slowly adjusting to the constant throbbing in my pussy over these past 2 weeks, but today, with the dildo, and the denial, and GAH.
This was the weird thing. I was aware that the dildo was there, every single minute of my day. I could feel it kind of rubbing, moving a little bit, and just existing. It wasn't uncomfortable, just THERE.
I had to interact with my coworkers A LOT today, and every time I had to interact with anyone my awareness of the dildo being there would skyrocket, and I would have thoughts like, "If they knew what I was doing..." or thinking I was acting strange and they would know. Whenever I got these heightened levels of awareness, they were accompanied by a fairly intense level of embarrassment. I think I spent about 80% of my day with my cheeks red, and my heart rate slightly elevated.
I adjusted my "penis" about 7 times throughout the day. I only ever did it when I was in my office alone. Every time I just felt kind of silly and exposed and controlled and ... SO embarrassed!
I was really pretty determined to at least try this. My plan was to do a tester one at home before I left for work, but I woke up late to the alarm and was in a rush, and forgot.
So, I really only peed once at work today. I don't know why. I was still pretty determined to at least try this, and even got as far as pulling my pants down, holding the dildo in place, and standing over the toilet. Then I had visions of pee running down my legs, onto my pants, and panicked and chickened out.

Overall this task was actually pretty fun, and challenging enough without being too hard. It was arousing, silly, embarrassing, playful and fun. Thank you SO SO SO much for giving me this fun task!

And the scale again:
Scale. 10=high, 1=low.
Arousing: 10
Painful: 0
Uncomfortable: 8
Fun: 10
Embarrassing/Humiliating: 10
Made me feel controlled/subby: 10
Challenging: 9
Would do it again: y
Want to do it again: y
What a beautiful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet.
I’m sick, please be nice.

Last edited by Happy Me; 01-06-2014 at 08:03 PM.
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