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Old 01-04-2014, 10:05 PM   #172
Happy Me
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Band-Aid Collegekid's clothespin torture + ORGASMS! :D

Originally Posted by collegekid1204 View Post
Dare 3: Make another audio recording. This time, you'll introduce yourself, and place clothespins on each tit. Make sure to count out loud how many clothespins you have on. Then, see how many clothespins you can fit on your clit/pussy). Finish by taking your large vibrating dildo, and cum over and over again. Make sure to count each orgasm. You may stop once you can no longer physically cum. Have fun, can't wait!
Hello Collegekid1204!
I am about to start this and just wanted to make some notes about it first. First of all, just for everyone else, we PM'd and agreed to limit the orgasms to 15 because I am never going to be unable to physically cum. I was going to do this on my unlimited orgasms day, but then I did one of my favorite things to do: I got my dommy horny at a time when he could do nothing about it. And he got me back by taking back the unlimited orgasms (technically I still had them, at 100 butt spanks a pop, and 1500 butt spanks would have been way too much.) So anyway, I kikked him your dare earlier, and he agreed that because I would have earned the orgasms with all of the clothespin pain, that I could do this one, as long as I kik him pictures of the clothespins after they are on (and as long as I did the edges first.)

After two weeks of severely limited orgasms, denial, and teasing, and then 9 edges earlier today I was so crazily ridiculously horny. More horny than I have ever been honestly. Then, a little while ago, my dommy and I were kikking for a while, and it got very... hot, which just intensified the throbbing and wetness in my pussy. At this point I had cramps down there from being so horny for so long, that is how bad it is. Also, my denial starts again Monday, so these 15 orgasms are quite a big deal to me right now! (My dommy gets back Tuesday/Wednesday, and he wants me to be horny for him when he gets back.) So, what I wanted to say is that despite the horniness, I am actually so afraid of the pain on this one that I have been putting it off all day. I know it is going to hurt, but I really do want the orgasms from it, so I am going to do it. You should probably thank my dommy for giving me so much incentive to do your dare!

The Recording (turn down your volume, my mic is sensitive.) Note: You can really hear the dildo hitting the clothespins and my wet pussy in this recording.

I am so spacey right now, after all of that pain and orgasms. I think I got 10 on each boob, and three on each nipple/areola, and then another 7 on my pussy/clit, but the whole experience was pretty intense and I am having a hard time thinking right now. I did okay putting on the clips, honestly, but once I had to bend over and move, and squeeze the dildo through the fortress of clothespins to get it inside my pussy, it got very hard. The moving around just to reach down was hard, because my boobs were very hard to get around too.

The orgasms were just amazing, and totally worth the pain (which was incredibly intense.) I am somehow still seriously horny, which is not what I was expecting...

Now I am just sitting here trying to recover. My boobs are covered in red marks from the clips, and my clit is so sore, but also throbbing from having no orgasm since yesterday.

I am sorry to everyone that the written report isn't so great, I really do feel pretty spacey right now!

And the scale again:
Scale. 10=high, 1=low.
Arousing: 10
Painful: 10
Uncomfortable: 4
Fun: 8
Embarrassing/Humiliating: 1
Made me feel controlled/subby: 3
Challenging: 10
Would do it again: y
Want to do it again: idk
What a beautiful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet.
I’m sick, please be nice.

Last edited by Happy Me; 01-04-2014 at 10:09 PM.
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