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Old 01-04-2014, 09:43 PM   #449
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

(Sorry for the wait. I ask for more votes, and then I up and betray you guys like this. My internet was down sadly though, so I wasn’t able to check on the votes or post. Onward to choice ‘B’ though.)

“So you want this bad?” Rose suddenly asked. Kate was shocked actually, as Rose had been very quiet up to this point.

“Yes,” Kate answered right away.

“Really?” Rose asked again.

Kate started to blush more, “yes, I really do.”

Rose continued to kiss Kate’s thighs. Kate slid farther down on the chair. Subconsciously she was trying to move her lips closer to Rose.”

“You’re very wet, I can actually smell you quite well from here,” Rose commented.

“I can smell you from over here,” Nat added.

“Shut up,” Kate snapped. It was embarrassing to know that her arousal could be sensed through smell alone.

“I can also see it so well. Your lips are so puffy right now. You’re dripping onto the chair as well,” Rose said. She then licked up the couple of drops of moisture that had fallen from Kate. “Mmm, tastes good,” Rose teased.

Kate was breathing heavier now. “Please Rose, please,” she begged.

Rose did a few strong licks up each of Kate’s thighs. Each time only the tip of her tongue lightly flicked at one of Kate’s lips. Each time Kate raised her hips up, wanting to follow Rose’s tongue as it retracted away. “Please what Kate?” Rose asked.

“Please make me cum!” Kate answered.

“How do you want me to do that?” Rose asked. Again she licked close to Kate’s pulsing lips.

Kate grunted a bit, getting frustrated. “Lick me please. Lick me to make me cum!”

Suddenly, and Kate not at all expecting it, Rose leaned in finally and placed her tongue on Kate’s aching lips. Kate instantly arched her back as the tongue was pushed firmly against her. Rose slide the tongue up along the wet prize.

“Mmm, tastes even better from the source, now relax and enjoy,” Rose announced, now slowly lapping away at Kate.

Kate began to moan loudly. Each slow but firm lick was an intense blast of pleasure. Never before had she felt anything like it. It was like all the pleasure she had felt that evening was pulsing in her. Even though she felt ready to orgasm any second, each lick only seemed to drive her closer and closer.

Nat silently snuck up behind Kate. She undid the binding at Kate’s wrists. Kate herself didn’t really consider the fact she was free. She did move her hands to grab the end of the arm rests of the chair. Nat had just wanted to make sure Kate was at least a bit more comfortable. It was of course not like Kate was going to start covering or hiding.

Kate could feel an orgasm building more and more. Rose was licking her more frequently, all the while starting to focus on her very sensitive clit. Each time the tongue passed over it, Kate would writhe in her seat…

A) Kate orgasms. Afterwards, she goes back to Britney and Rose’s room.

B) Kate orgasms. She invites Rose to come to her room after it all.

(Yes, these options are very pointless and hardly different. Yet, I didn’t want to make that big of a choice, as this is the last choice. The story isn’t really going to spiral anywhere on its own from here. You’re essentially just deciding on which way a sequel could go. No, I don’t’ plan on there being a sequel anytime soon, but it’s nice to think about for the future.)
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