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Old 01-04-2014, 11:15 AM   #168
Happy Me
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Band-Aid GTF's "punishment"

So, after I messed up on GTF's last task/dare so many times I felt really bad and sent him a PM apologizing. He gave me a chance to make it up to him:
Originally Posted by gtf
That ok as a punishment you can do this one if you like

Best done with headphones on
You need to tie a scarf around your neck tight but not too tight nake as usual
you are to attach clamps to your nipples and insert a small object so it pushes agains your ass you are to sit still for the duration of the soundtrack you may watch the video whilst you caress you pussy
it last ten mins spundtrack is
And I just finished it for him.
First I got undressed and gathered all of the things. I found my headphones, got out my kitchen clips for my nipples, got the video loaded (so it would start buffering), got a silk scarf and went on a hunt for something to use to sit on to push against my asshole. I did find something (but I am too embarrassed to admit what it was). And then I sat down cross legged on my bed.

In preparation I started by tying the scarf, I tied it pretty tightly, enough that it restricted my breathing some, but not so much that it would cause any damage. I hate to admit this, but something about restricting my breathing like that was intensely arousing to me.
Then I got the object setting right on my ass, where it was pushing against my hole, and put the clips on my nipples.
Then I put in the headphones and started the video. As soon as the video started I started caressing my pussy, and the effects of the scarf tying arousal were immediately apparent. My pussy was shockingly wet, like almost to the point of dripping on the sheet.

Now, for those of you who have not sneaked a peek at that video yet, it is a kind of old, kind of cheesy, scene from a horror movie of a blood sacrifice scene, with a custom soundtrack. It is super creepy. And, it felt even more creepy to be touching my pussy while I watched it.

Over time the scarf got to be more uncomfortable, and the pressure on my asshole started to get very very uncomfortable. My nipples were just burning with pain. As the pain and discomfort built up, and the video watching got even creepier, my arousal level just plummeted, but I was still rubbing my pussy (per your directions). The fact that my pussy stayed so incredibly wet, despite the situation, was making me feel very embarrassed and controlled.

The 10 minutes went by much faster than I thought they would, I assume because of how intense and strange the experience was.

I hope I made it up to you a bit, GTF. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to.

Scale. 10=high, 1=low.
Arousing: 10
Painful: 7
Uncomfortable: 10
Fun: 1
Embarrassing/Humiliating: 8
Made me feel controlled/subby: 10
Challenging: 3
Would do it again: y
Want to do it again: n
What a beautiful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet.
I’m sick, please be nice.

Last edited by Happy Me; 01-04-2014 at 12:29 PM. Reason: Added the scale for gtf.
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