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Old 12-29-2013, 09:28 AM   #91
getDare Sweetheart
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Originally Posted by Jcderp View Post
I have been wandering the woods now for 3 days, and have only seen one person, paranoid. I keep wandering until I happen upon a nice little stream, being so tired after three days I undress and enter the water. The water is cold, not uncomfortable, but cold enough to stiffen my nipples and shrink my small cock even smaller. As I relax in the stream and loosen my stiff muscles I hear a twig crack in the distance. I ignore, thinking it would only be a bird. After an hour bathing in the stream, I decided to get out of the water to make camp for the night. I could not find my clothes and panicked, thinking that the monster had come and taken my clothes to get my scent. I immediately run back to the water hoping to mask my scent when I see a crow seemingly laughing at me with my clothes in his mouth. I spent hours trying to get my clothes back until I give up. I see the crow flying high in the air. Tonight I sleep cold and naked hoping the monster doesn't come looking....
While I love the report, please reread the OP's post. I did capture you
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