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Old 12-28-2013, 10:57 AM   #23
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 43

Kate, might I ask how well you're sleeping while doing these dares. I've tried sleeping bound, let alone with any of the other suggestions, and I either couldn't sleep or didn't get a good nights sleep. If this is an issue for you, might I suggest that you set an alarm, do a dare for a few hours, and then go back to bed and sleep normally so you can be fresh for the day ahead.

I'm also going to add my own dare to this list. I want you to picture yourself doing the most submissive thing you'd be comfortable doing and then take it a little further. I want you to hold this image in your mind as you try to go to sleep. Describe the scene to yourself in a whisper if that's what you need to get it to stick. After that, sleep normally and when you wake up write down any submissive dreams you remember and let me know if it has any effect on your dreams.
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