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Old 12-25-2013, 04:16 PM   #439
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

(D was the one I had my heart set on, but so be it.)

With every swipe of the tongue, Kate’s body would lift and tense. Kate would continue to try and move her hands. Part of her wanted to be able to move her hands between her legs. Her instincts wanted to pull Rose closer to her and urge her to keep going with her tongue.

Nat was watching the whole thing. “Anxious, aren’t we Kate?” she asked. “Rose not doing enough yet?”

Kate didn’t have an answer. She didn’t think she needed Nat’s teasing.

“Now imagine though, if you’re lucky, maybe the girl will do to you what you did to her,” Nat commented. Kate didn’t even know what she meant by that at first. However the next thing she knew, a few fingernails glided over her thighs. In a single moment it was like her soaking sex quivered and heated up. She suddenly realized what Nat meant. Earlier, Nat had supposedly saw Kate pleasure Rose orally!

Kate had read stories of such things before, and if there was one thing she learned from them, it was that type of pleasure was great. Rose definitely seemed like she knew what she was doing too at her nipples. Ideas of the wet tongue pushing and prodding and lapping away between her legs made Kate sense of desires flare up more.

Kate moaned a bit louder suddenly. She opened her eyes and saw that Nat was standing closely; it had been her fingernails that touched her thigh. They idled there, as if reminding Kate just how uncovered and untouched that area was now.

“You know, I bet someone outside could even see how wet you are,” Nat commented. Nat herself was looking down, and Kate dared to look too.

Kate’s lips were glistening. She actually thought she might be dripping even, as it looked like maybe the chair had collected some moisture below her too.

Just then, Rose switched from one breast, to the other. Her tongue now wrapping around a dryer nipple, at least it was dry the moments before Rose enveloped it. Kate moaned out loudly again.

“It’s cute actually, Rose has you wrapped around her finger now,” Nat commented. “I have mentioned your sexual need below, but she stays at your breasts. The shy girl is quite a tease when she gets into it, huh?”

Kate’s breathing deepened some more. She was realizing how much at Rose’s mercy she was. With her hands tied, Rose could even leave! The idea scared Kate more than the idea of someone outside seeing her.

“You want it bad, don’t you?” Nat asked.

“Yes…” Kate breathlessly admitted. Rose had picked up her speed, holding nothing back. Sadly it was all focused on her breasts, and although it aroused her to have that area played with, Kate could tell it wasn’t going to push her over the edge.

“Why not ask her? Ask her to do what you want, maybe she’ll listen?” Nat suggested.

Kate didn’t even know how to ask. She was inexperienced. “Rose.. um… mmmmm” Kate cut herself off with a moan. Rose had started to very lightly nibble on her nipples. She was beginning to move between each.

Kate’s need was growing though. It was weird; Kate had never felt ‘desperate’ for an orgasm quite like this before. She began to babble, “please Rose, oh god please, just lower…” even in her state, Kate was blushing from embarrassment at the next part, “please lick my pussy.”

“Oh Rose, she would desperately like you to run your tiny tongue over her wetness,” Nat narrated. Kate wasn’t sure if she was translating or just trying to embarrass her.

Rose moved her hands so each were on a thigh. Rose was in front of Kate, actually hiding her from the window. Her mouth though stated at Kate’s chest level.

“Please Rose,” Kate begged again. Rose did stop suddenly, and moved a bit higher to kiss Kate again.

Kate’s entire body tingled. She was enjoying the kiss, but at the same time, now even her breasts craved touch again now that it was gone. Her thighs were very warm, Rose was slowly kneading them.

Rose broke the kiss, and stared longingly into Kate’s eyes. Even Nat had grown silent.

“Please,” Kate asked again. Rose smiled. It seemed all she needed to snake her way down Kate’s body. She settled on her knees and lay her head between Kate’s thighs. She moved her hands and kissed each area of flesh besides her…

A) Nat continues her teasing narrations.

B) Rose joins the teasing process for few moments.

(Honestly, I could have finished the story today. However I figured you guys wouldn’t like that, so leave a bit of wiggle room open for more options, especially if people later on pick up the unattended branches.

Oh neither answer will ‘shorten’ the story in anyways. You’ll still get one or two more options going forward.

Honestly, as far as choices though, I’m avoiding anything like “Someone comes in and catches them” or “Someone sees them from afar”. It’s selfish to not give the choice, but I too feel Kate deserves this, and I don’t want anything that would actually interrupt things =P)
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