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Old 12-19-2013, 03:01 PM   #422
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

Kate feels hands on her wrists again. She isn’t sure what is next, but she lets them get pulled back. Eventually, her wrists meet behind her. She notices right away that this pose is thrusting her chest out more. Her face feels even warmer knowing this.

However Kate didn’t predict that there was a different reason for this maneuver. Kate then feels something soft get wrapped around the wrist, and then it constricts tighter. Kate pulls at the binding, only to find that her wrists are now stuck!

Kate moves about more, trying to get free. However she finds that is hard. She is tied and very exposed!

Looking forward, Kate is even more worried. It was one thing to be standing or sitting in front of the window; at least if things did get bad, maybe she could have run away. Now though she’d be stuck. She worried more about the windows with lights turned on she could see. She’d be totally trapped if someone did decide to look now.

Kate didn’t think to close her legs, her feet being stuck around the legs of the chairs was technically by choice, but she didn’t think of it that way. This gave Nat plenty of time to move around and start tying Kate’s ankle to the leg. Kate moved her other leg over to that one, realizing she wasn’t bound down there yet. However in her condition, Kate didn’t put up much of a fight when Nat moved it back to the other side and tied it.

Kate was now completely tied to the chair. The best she could do would be to try and rock herself over, but that wouldn’t hide her, and probably just make things uncomfortable.

“So, what’s it like?” Nat asked vaguely, running a few fingers over Kate’s bare legs. “You’re completely naked and exposed. Do you like it? Is it worse than when you were stranded naked? Less in your control now?”

Kate started to breathe heavier and heavier. The line of questioning was very spot on. “Yes,” Kate admitted. Although she was scared, she was of course still very turned on. She wasn’t able to hide her enjoyment of how naughty everything was getting.

“What is it like though? Tell us more,” Nat requested. Nat occasionally made eye contact, but would also take very close looks at Kate’s exposed private areas. Nat’s hand also rested right on Kate’s thigh.

Kate struggled to find an answer, she wasn’t so sure herself. “I feel so… well powerless. Exposed… and vulnerable. I can hardly breathe, but my body is tingling all over.” Kate looked out the window. “I can’t stop anyone from seeing me. I don’t want to be seen. It’s embarrassing to have you guys see me…”

Nat giggled, “I can tell there is supposed to be a ‘but’ there, and I don’t think it’s your naked ‘butt’ that I’m sensing.”

Rose herself was intently watching and listening as well. She continued to hover over Kate’s shoulder. She licked her lips, probably self consciously, as she waited for Rose to continue.

“I’m really turned on. I know it’s obvious and I know you guys know, and it’s driving me nuts. I’m worried about strangers seeing, but I also don’t want it to end. I want to get closer and closer and I want to um…” Kate paused. She didn’t normally talk about sexual desires of course, “I want to cum pretty bad too.”

Nat smiled. She looked Kate over. “You’ve been to Britney and you’ve obviously had your task from Rose as well?” Nat asked. Kate nodded. “Good, then I think it’s time to reward you some. Rose,” Nat called.

Rose walked around the side of the chair. She stood, naked and breathing heavily herself. She looked Kate over more closely now that she had a better view. Kate did the same back to her.

A) Rose sits on Kate’s lap. Kate pleasures Rose.

B) Rose leans in. Rose pleasures Kate.
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