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Old 12-02-2013, 07:38 AM   #6
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Default Master john forced karl to do it

Daily Tasks Dare

First, you roll TWO DICE, choose only the BIGGEST result and ADD 6 to it (only to the biggest result): this is the number of days you will have to fullfill daily tasks.

--> I got 2 and 3 so 3 was the one... I added 6 so I must perform the tasks 9 days

Now, lets roll TWO DICES again and ADD 3 to the BIGGEST result: this is the minimum number of daily tasks you have to pick from the list bellow.

--> I got 6 and 3 so 6 was the good one... so 9 daily tasks are to be performed !


Some tasks may be against your limits, we all understand that. But since its all randomic, we canīt help it. Dice are cruel.
I did, though, made one way for you to protect yourself (and your limits) by this third roll:

Roll TWO DICE, add 2 to SMALLEST result. This is the number of JOKER CARDS you have.

--> I got 4 and 1 so just 3 joker cards
my Master decided to apply the second way to use the jocker cards
How to use Joker Cards

2 - Second way: Everytime you get one Task you dont like, you can use ONE JOKER CARD to drop this task and get a new one (rolling the dice again and get a new Task). But there are some rules too. First, everytime you use a JOKER CARD to drop a Task, you spend the JOKER CARD (you have one limited number of it, remember. When they all are gone, its over). Second, if you want to use the JOKER CARD to drop a Task, you have to do it right after you take this task: you cant wait, or do the other rolls first to see what you will get from they, etc. If you want to drop a Task, it must be imediately. Third, and last rule, if you use the JOKER CARD to drop one task, you CANT USE JOKER CARDS ON THE NEW TASK YOU TAKE TO REPLACE IT, nor can use it on the next roll (but you can use it again in the roll after that)

Here are the daily tasks

6 - 3
TN26 - Corner time: Everyday, spend 15 minutes fully naked and on your knees in the corner of a room, with a vib inside (and turned on) your ass and blindfolded. You are not able to cum, pee, talk, moan, etc, while enduring this. You need to spend 15 minutes, but since you are blindfolded and cant see the clock, you have to ""count" the time in your mind, and when you think 15 minutes already passed, you can take the blindfold out and check the clock. If less than 15 minutes passed, you are to spend the double of the remainder time (if only 8 minutes passed, then you will have to spend 15-8 = 7 * 2 = 14 minutes) sucking that vib that was on your ass whiout take it from your mouth until the timer gets to the end. If more than 15 minutes has been passed, you will give yourself 10 paddles spanks in each bum check (while still on the corner and with the vibe shoved in your ass and turnt on) for EVERY EXTRA MINUTE (rounding up) you spent above the 15 original minutes.

It will be on Master's supervision... I did it today... and got 2 minutes more than the time scheduled... so 20 paddles strokes on each cheeks

1 - 5
T36 - Clamping Session: everyday, you will get 20 clothespins and use they to clamp all over your body (you can do tights, ass, pussy/labia, tits, cock/balls and belly). After all they are in place, wiat 30 seconds and change one of position (take it off and clamp it in another place), then wiat 30 more seconds and move another one to a new position... and keep doing it until 1 hour is passed. Doubled task means 2 hours of time for play (two sessions of 1 hour each), but the 20 clamps and and 30 seconds wait remains as they are: these number wont double.
--> one session done today ! wow ! really hard

2- 3

TN35 - Dirty Feet Task: roll a die every morning. Even number means you have to walk barefeet on dirty or earth for 10 minutes before wear any shoe. Odd number means you will put dirty or earth inside your shoes before wear they. You can only wash your feet while on bath (if doubled, you will have to pour some dirty inside your pants too to get one Dirty Bum too)
today i got an odd so i have earth in my sneekers for the day

4 - 5

TN29 - Pussy/Cock Training: Boys have to create (and actually try it) one diferent way to tie up the cock and balls and then masturbate to edge EVERYDAY.

Still to be done for the first day under Master's supervision

2 - 2
TN1 - You CANT USE underwear for the duration of the Daily Tasks. Also, at least two hours a day, the boys will have to wear thigh jeans (bermuda/pants, etc) or expandables at least 2 hours a day and need to get the cock hard (under the clothes) at least once while in public dressed like this.

--> done to come back home in tight jeans and erected whithout any underwear... Master decided no underwears during the 9 days

2 - 6
TN15 - Need to perform 10 edges a day. At least 5 of they must be done in public places or in view of the public (your bedroom window, if its opened and you are fully naked is ok)

Master decided i must perform the 10 times at work... i did it this morning

4 - 3
TN9 - HOLLYDAY TASK: You can choose one day (any day you want) and do NO TASKS at all for this day (and only for this day) without a penalty or punishment. But you wont be able to touch yourself or cum during this day too AND WONT TAKE A BATH OR A SHOWER TOO.

Lucky said my Master but a day without touching myself and dirty is a real challenge for me

5 - 5
TN24 - I Love Stuffed Clothes: Everyday, you have to stuff one piece of clothe inside your ass and let it there for at least 30 minutes, then take out and wear it for at least 1 hour straight. NOTE: IF DOUBLED it means two pieces of clothe on your ass (not at same time, please) for 30 minutes, and wear they for 2 hours after take they out.

--> master decided it will be with a sock... i have socks indide right now... I will have to take there to go ouside for shopping in a few hours

2 - 6

TN11 EGG Breaker - You will put one egg everyday inside your underwear and sit on it until it crack open (if you dont have underwear suitable for this, make inside one thight shorts, leather pants, etc, wharever can hold a egg on your butt). After that, give yourself a wedgie and (if using underwear or shorts) for 10 minutes, then you can clean yourself.

--> Master laughted when i had to do that today... i did it with a pair of teighten shorts... the 10 minutes with this on my ass had been a real time !

Thank you to help my Master to keep me in line

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