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Old 11-25-2013, 08:06 PM   #2
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Who was it kept a secret from, and why? I am keeping it a secret from my family (except my mom, who i do not live with). I live with my grandma, and guy I am seeing is long distance relationship, and he is 21 years older then me. I know she would never approve and try talking me out of it for rest of her life.

Did they ever find out, if so what was there reactions? Besides my mom, who I willingly told, noone else has found out. My moms eyes bugged out of her head when she found out age difference, but she played it off cool, and I think she really is happy for me.

Was relationship a secret just on your end, or on the other end also?He is friends with his ex-girlfriend. (he had moved couple years ago) She knows me and him are friend, but she dont know how we really feel about each other.

Did/is the relationship working out good? So far is working out great, we feel like we are meant for each other

Would you ever have a secret relationship again? I would hope not, I hope will never have a relationship with anyone else but him.

Do/did you wish you could be more open about your relationship? I wish I could be more open about it, wish I could tell my grandma about it and she be happy for me.

How long have you been in the relationship, or how long did it last?I have known him for 12 years, and we both realized we have feelings for each other since the beginning of the year.

Anything else you can think of sharing? Honestly no.
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