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Old 02-05-2009, 05:07 AM   #11
Truth or Dare Enthusiast
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Post Part 22: A turn for the worst

Pam was led into a room that was fairly well furnished. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!" Pam screamed.

"Your master signed you up. It's all legal, honey."

"How dare you! Let me go!!!"

"Shut up!" He threw her onto a bed. It was soft, but Pam knew better than to enjoy it. He proceeded to take the chains from underneath it and tie each of her limbs to the bed.

Psm was already naked, and knew exactly what was going to happen. Daniel wlaked into the room. "Master, please help me out of this!"

"Slave, I'm sorry, but I will not help you out of it. Just listen over there-"

Pam heard a lot of noise, and asked, "What's going on in there?"

"Their bidding over you, slut!" he said, "The top twenty bidders will get to 'meet you in person'. You know what that means. Don't you feel proud?"

Pam actually felt ashamed of herself, and a despisement for Daniel. She did, however, feel slightly better about the fact that only 20 people would fuck her, not all of them as she'd thought before.

But that didn't help things. Mr. Smith entered, and said, "Hey, whore, their ready for you. So, be ready. You'll have fifteen minutes with each one, so I figure you'll be done in about five hours.

What happened next was a treachorous, treachorous time for Pam. That day she fucked twenty people. Twenty.

She was humiliated. She was an eighteen year old- a virtous, good, friendly person. And now- now, she seemed to be just a useless, slutty whore who had fucked with 20 different people before college.

She began to cry. She cried and cried and cried, and it was terrible. And then, then Danile came in. "Why did you do this?!" She cried.

"What are you talking about?"

"Why did you make me do this?! Why- you know I want to be a moral person! Why did you make me do this?!"

"Slave, don't get-"

"Fuck you!"

Daniel shivered a bit, and said, "You know what. This was my final test. I was going to let you go after this, but now, I'm not so sure."

"Please let me go!" She pleaded.

"Fine. Go."

"And you'll delete the pictures?"

"I promise. Go."

He unchained her, and gave her an outfit. She would have to hitch hike (the galaxy) home, because she remembered from the drive that she was in some different city.

As she rode home in the car of some nice person who gave her a ride, Pam felt sad at first. And then it started todawn on her, "I'm free!" she thought. She was no longer his slave, or his slut, or his cunt, or his bitch, or his whore. She was herself, free. She would forget this whole event. She smiled, and steeped out of the car as it approached her house, as it dawned on her again. She was free.


Meanwhile, Daniel was back at his place. He sat at the computer, much as you are doing now. Except, spread out around him were tons of memory sticks, cell phones, and cameras.

He took all of the pictures on them and put them into his computer. He smiled, as he saw each of the pictures of Pam. Here were the ones of her today, on stage. And here were ones of her having sex today. There were ones of Pam from that erotic photoshoot he staged so long ago. And there were the ones from when he first fucked her ("that was fun" he thought). There were even the ones from his cell phone that he had taken of her that started the whole thing off.

He put them all into his computer and made it into a word document, probably seven page slong (he had to make the images smaller). He printed two copies of each page- he'd have to copy that sometime soon.

But for now, he went to mail. He was sending a message to everyone he knew, and plus almost all the students in their class, the teachers, and Pam's parents.

He attached the word document. He titled it, "Hey everyone, check this out!"

Pam's life had reached new lows with sounds. The last time it happened, there was a click of a cameraphone. Now, it was a click again.

And so Pam's life decended into the pitch black darkness with these words:

Your mail has been sent.

__________________________________________________ __________

Okay- how was that? I thought it was pretty good if I do say so myself. The story does not stop here. I just thought I'd ocve the plot a logn a bit. Coments and questions, please!
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