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Old 11-02-2013, 08:34 PM   #12
the saved
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Join Date: Jun 2013
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1) Comments about person above you and there Profile Name

Their profile pic is legit and at first i didn't realise their name was a reference to i-pods or potatoes and thought they were saying that they perform the act of spudding, (not that I could begin to imagine what that actually is).

2) What do you actually wear to bed?

Nakeddd, unless its reallllly cold in which case I will wear some checked pyjama bottoms, but it is very rarely cold enough for that.

3) What else do you take to bed? Eg) teddy, partener etc

A good book!

4) Do you sleep with the light on or off?


5) Do you usually have blanket, duvet, electric blanket, sleeping bag or any other covers

Normally have a duvet, which I pull up to my waist and no higher! Again unless it's really cold. Sheets wind me the hell up, if I have sheets at a hotel I get angry with them and throw them the fuck away from me.

6) Do you sleep on your chest/tummy, back or side?

Ermmm I roll a hell of a lot, so all of the above? That is how I roll....

7) Is your bed, double, king size, bunk bed or single?

Well I'm in a flat term time at university and my flat's bed is single, although back at my parent's I have a double which I miss immensely!

8) Do you usually do anything special before bed?

Unless I have a dare or something, nope not really, unless you count reading as special?

9) Anything else you would like to state

Yeah, in terms of bed I am weird! I love being cold, even mid winter I will have window wide open, duvet to waist only, and naked. I just cannot get comfy or sleepy when I'm hot, I'm most relaxed when I'm cold, yeah I'm weir d

10) Are you male / female, what is your age and name – if don’t mind leaving

I am me, and he is me. But I am the first sword of Braavos, a man of many names, yeah I'm reading Game of Thrones right now, what of it?

But I am 19 for the record.
25 gender fluid, (present and born male), from the UK.

So I'm back from a very long absence. Getting back in touch with my kinkier side, looking forward to re-connecting with people.

As for me, I am creative, caring, self deprecating to a tee and passionate. What am I passionate about? Well...

Equal rights, (fascists not welcome thanks)
Sex and sexualities

Ask for kik/ other contact details

"Mono means one, rail means rail"
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