Thread: Fiction: An "Epic" party
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Old 10-28-2013, 06:27 AM   #8
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Chapter 4

The group was ushered in, there were 14 people now including them. Gabe sat down directly opposite of his sister. He wanted to be as far from her as possible.

Gabe and his sister had always had a rivalry. She would torture, and mess with him every chance she got. He thought back to when the two of them had been home alone for a night when they were younger,before his puberty had hit. She had blackmail on him and decided to use it. The blackmail was websites he had been on when he used his parents' computer, she had found them and printed them out.

"Oh you like jerking it to dirty pictures do you?" she would exclaim. "Alright Mr.I like to touch myself, your going to masturbate with this." she held out toothpaste."And I'm going to watch to make sure you go through with it, or else i show these to mom and dad!" she was wearing a low cut shirt that showed her ample 32DD cleavage without a bra. That was the last time she had seen him naked.

It had turned him on, he didn't know why he would think of his sister that way. Tonight he was positive she was going to assert her dominance in the sibling rivalry.

"Since this is my party I'll go first. Amy, truth or dare?" Blake asked.

Amy was a tall athletic looking girl sitting two people from Gabe, she had thick blonde hair that flowed down to her shoulders. "Truth."

"Is it true that you made out with Joe, while you were dating his twin Tyler and why?

Amy's face got red. "Yes, because I heard that Joe was a better kisser, and I wanted to find out the truth."

Everyone laughed except one guy, Gabe assumed was Tyler. He had short brown hair, and looked just as athletic as amy.

"Ok hmm, Su truth or dare?"

"Truth." Su answered.

"What kind of guys are you into?"

"I like white guys, jocks in specific." Su answered honestly. "Mk Amy again, truth or dare?"


"So was Joe a better kisser?" She asked with a smile.

Amy got really embarrassed. "Yes...." She lowered her head.

Everyone in the group burst out in laughter except Gabe, and of coarse Tyler.

Amy looked around. "Gabe, truth or dare."

Gabe was shocked he was asked by this beautiful girl. He hadn't really been paying attention to the game, his attention had been on Bianca, his crush. "uhhh...what?" He looked at her. "Oh umm truth."

Amy stared at him for a second. "Is it true that you never leave your basement when your not at school? That's what the entire school seems to think."

Gabe looked her confused. "Um no, I'm usually never home. I like to spend my time outside."

"Okay, so why does everyone assume you do? This is just my curiosity, I mean I've never seen you at any parties or around town."

"I tend to stay out in the woods."

"So you're homeless?" The group rippled with laughter again.

"No I built my own obstacle course,I run it 3 times a day. Ask Thad he has seen it." He motioned to Thad, who nodded.

Gabe looked around, he couldn't ask Rachel, or Bianca, he was to afraid to see what either would do, or nervous. He wasn't exactly sure. His gaze fell on Jeff. "Hey Jeff, truth or dare."

"Dare." Jeff replied instantly.

That was the last thing Gabe thought he'd hear. He hadn't come up with a dare as of yet. He got an idea after a couple of minutes, Everyone was staring at him. "I dare you to try the cinnamon challenge."

Some people gasped, others looked around questioningly. "What's that?" Jeff asked skeptically.

"It's when you swallow a table spoon of cinnamon without something to drink. I suggest you get something to drink for after." Gabe smiled.

Gabe and Thad had tried this once, it didn't end well. When Gabe tried to swallow his, he coughed from it not wanting to go down. That caused the powder to stick in his throat, and come out his nose and mouth. Afterwards he had trouble swallowing for a half an hour from pain.

"Really dude? That's way to easy!" Jeff hefted himself up and out to the kitchen. Gabe looked over to Thad and mouthed 'revenge'. Thad smiled back.

Jeff returned with the spoon and a cup of water. He put the spoon in his mouth and attempted to swallow. He failed miserably, and coughed, straining to swallow. He took his glass and chugged it, to no avail, because it didn't help him at all.

"Way to go gay-b." Blake said to Gabe. "Now how is he supposed to ask?"

Someone handed Jeff a pad of paper after his coughing subsided. He pointed to Tyler. "Truth." Jeff then wrote a question out and handed it to Tyler. "Have you ever masturbated in the gym shower?" Tyler read it out loud. "Dude I don't want to answer that!"

"You have to!" Amy spoke out.

"Three times." The group gasped in unison. "What? I can't help it, I get to stare at girls running, stretching, jumping, everyday after school. It relieves alot of pent up energy now that I'm single. He glared at amy, who smiled wickedly back.

"Ok truth or dare, Bianca." He asked.

"Dare." She answered back

"I dare you to make out with....Rachel! For one minute!"

Without hesitation she crawled over to Rachel started making out with her. Their tongues could be seen darting back and forth, the sound of their wet lips smacking was the only sound in the room.

Gabe couldn't watch, the girl he had a major crush on was making out with his sister and not him. Why was the world so cruel to him he thought. At that moment Rachel's hand found its place on Bianca's left left breast and started to massage. The was torture to Gabe who ended staring and couldn't look away, he realized he was getting turned on by this. He looked away.

"Stop!" Tyler called out.

Another ten seconds went by till they actually stopped. Bianca crawled her way back to her spot. "Truth or dare Blake?"

"Ah what the hell, dare me, I dare ya."

"I dare you to stand in the middle, lift your shirt up and close your eyes, while three people I select caress your body for five minutes. They also have no choice when I choose them."

"Alright." He said as he stood in the middle, lifted his shirt, and closed his eyes.

Bianca pointed to Jessica, Rachel and Matt. Matt mouthed 'Really', Bianca smiled and nodded. With that the three stood up and walked to Blake. Matt got Blake's back, Rachel covered his chest, and Jessica went for his stomach. Jessica reached down and cupped his junk through his pants, frowned and moved to his ass. Everyone laughed.

"Hey I'm still young, give it time to grow people! Besides its how you use it!" Everyone laughed again.

"Well then you're screwed." Rachel responded. Laughter coursed the room.

"That's what she said! But you suck!" He exclaimed

"Yeah but you already knew that." She looked at Gabe as she said it.

Gabe cringed, he didn't want to hear his sister say something like that.

"Time!" Bianca called out.

After getting settled back at their spots, Blake didn't even look around. "Gabe truth or dare?"

"Truth." He wasn't about to let this ass hole give him a dare.

"Are you a virgin?" He smiled happy with himself.

Gabe looked at him shocked. 'Dare would have been better than this.' He thought to himself. He instantly turned red. "Yes..." He lowered his head as he said the humiliating word. "I uh need to go to the bathroom. He got up and left.

When Gabe was gone everyone had a chance to talk. Megan leaned over to Jessica and whispered something into her ear.

Gabe returned, sat down and asked Thad truth or dare. Megan smiled from ear to ear beside him.

"Truth dude." Thad replied.

Gabe hadn't expected that. So he asked the first thing he thought of. "have you ever been in a threesome?" It was a safe question, one he already knew the answer to, and one Thad would love to answer.

"At least two separate times!" He said proudly. Everyone whooped and cheered.

Megan leaned over to Thad and whispered. He nodded and turned to Jessica. "Truth or dare?"


"Alright, if you could have sex with anyone in this room who would it be?"

"From what I've seen...Gabe." After she said it the room gasped. "That's right!"

Gabe blushed, she chose him. He was elated. She turned to him "Truth or dare? Cutie."

He was so happy he was feeling like he was on top of the world. He knew after that, that she would be his best bet for a safe first dare. "Dare."

"Alright! I dare you to take only dares from here on out!"

Gabe's stomach dropped. 'Fuck.' Was his only thought.
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