Thread: Fiction: An "Epic" party
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Old 10-21-2013, 02:42 PM   #2
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Chapter 2
Gabe and Thad both walked in unison towards the pool. They passed the kitchen which had teens crowded around it, all taking shots. When they got outside they saw Blake sitting on a couch that had been moved outside, he had people surrounding him laughing and enjoying everything around them. The two walked up to him.

"Amazing party Blake!" Thad yelled. Thad was actually considered quite popular in school so he was greeted with a smile and a nod. Gabe on the other hand was greeted with a judgmental stare.

"I told you Blake!" Came a familiar voice. It was in fact Gabe's older sister Rachel.

"Well when you're right, you're right." he laughed. "Your sister told me that you'd have the balls to show up."

Gabe all of the sudden felt like he didn't belong, which wasn't to far off from his original feelings.

"Well I guess it can't be helped when you invite the entire goddamn school." Rachel stated matter of fact.

"Well this isn't a very cool spot anymore now is it?" Blake said as he got up and left, his groupies following in suit.

"Man fuck this!" Gabe cussed. "I'm out of here."

"No man don't leave!" Thad reasoned. "just because he is a pissy lol rich boy doesn't mean you can't have fun."

"But just being here is going to make tonight a living hell."

"No, it's going to be alright." With that Thad shoved Gabe into the pool.

"Hey what the fuuu..." Gabe got cut off as he hit the water. He bounced up and grabbed for Thad's leg. Thad pointed to his glasses and shook his head. Gabe clambered out of the pool. "At least get me a towel?" A towel was thrown at Gabe, by a really cute upperclassman named Jessica.

"Hey Gabe right? you look good!" She smiled at him. "You should join me and some of my friends for a few shots and a game of pong! You too Thad!" The two of them looked at each other and nodded. The followed her to the other end of the pool where the beer pong table had been set up. "Ok boys let take some shots!" Jessica and her friend Megan, also an upperclassman poured some shots of Crown Royal. "3 2 1!" They took their shots. "Everything is set up already, so lets just start."

With that Thad leaned in and whispered. "Dude I know how this is going to play out. We let them win....then we play them again and set some stakes." Gabe gave him a questioning look. " Like I don't know strip every shot made?"

Gabe looked concerned. "I've never actually played this before, just heard about it, I'm not going to be good."

"Don't worry about it, I've sharked plenty of people doing this! Got me a blow job once!"

Gabe looked at him perplexed then shrugged. "If I end up naked at my first party I'm going to kill you."

"Alright boys! Rock paper scissors!" Jessica yelled. After two short rounds the girls won.

Jessica made her first shot and missed but Megan's first shot sailed right in. Gabe took his first drink. Gabe shot first for his team and failed miserably, as well as Thad's first shot. The game went by fairly slow until the girls beat them.

"Hey we want a rematch!"Thad spoke out. "There is no way you could have beaten me! You must have cheated!"

"You used the same ball we did and the same table!" Megan shot back quick.

"Ok ok, rematch only with some stakes!"

"What will these stakes be? Stripping every shot made?" Jessica smiled "so transparent! How about this? Every shot you make we will remove one article of clothing. Socks and shoes count as one per item. If we make a shot however, you have to do as we say. If you don't do what we say, you won't like the consequences. Do you agree?"

"No dude!" Gabe spat at Thad.

"Of course we will do it!" Thad ignored Gabe. "Since you won you get to go first."

Everyone filled their cups up for the next game. Both girls missed their shots. Gabe stared at the cups like they were a bull's-eye, fifty feet away. He took his shot and missed. Thad sunk his shot and with out blinking Jessica took off her shoe and set it to the side. She missed hers, but Megan got her first shot of the second game.

"All right!" She cheered. "Ok Thad, I want you to jump into the pool fully clothed."

"Wow really? These are nice clothes!"

"Are you backing out?"

"!" Thad said as threw his glasses into Gabe's hands and jumped in.

While he was under Jessica and Megan got Gabe's attention. He looked over at them as they winked and mouthed payback. Must have been for what he did to me earlier. At least this isn't to bad yet. He thought to himself.

Thad returned and he looked really upset. He chose to shoot first, sinking in another cup. Gabe shot closely after him and not only made his first cup of the night but I landed in Thad's cup. That meant they had to drink three cups and remove three items! Plus balls back! At that moment Gabe realized that there were six cups left and both girls had at least six items of clothing on. He slapped Thad on the back of the head.

What the hell?" Thad glared at him.

Gabe leaned in and whispered. "Did you ever stop to think about think about this before proposing the idea? Oh wait no you didn't! Plus you just agree to their terms without making some yourself! Look at the table, you see it? By the end of this they may have both shirts off....that's If we make every cup."

Thad's face fell and just stared blankly at Gabe. He didn't realize that he had gotten played than doing the playing. "Well it's to late to back out now." Thad shrugged, and without looking sunk his second shot. Gabe wasn't so lucky.

Jessica was now down to one sock, and Megan still had both. Both girls knew this was coming before they asked Thad to join them, from stories about previous parties. They were looking for some revenge. Jessica made her next shot in while Megan missed. Jessica looked at Gabe. "Gabe I want you to remove your shirt pour beer down your chest while Thad drinks it from your belly button!"

"Woah! Only one guy at a time!" Thad yelled.

"We simply said 'you' not one of you." She smiled "No backing out now!"

"Wow that's screwed up!" Thad said angrily.

Gabe was not ready for something like this to happen, all be it not to crazy but none the less embarrassing. He looked around only to realize a crowd had began to form. He froze for a second, till Thad tapped him on the shoulder and gave him an apologetic look before handing him a beer. With a what the hell shrug Gabe slid his now damp shirt over his head. The crowed wooped and hollered. Feeling embarrassed he shied away till someone yelled "DO IT!" then everyone started chanting. Gabe cracked open the cold beverage, waited for Thad to get into position then began pouring.

Last edited by kojiko; 10-22-2013 at 11:00 AM.
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