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Old 01-21-2009, 10:50 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by interesting View Post
Option 2: Pam blushes and says she has fantasized about Tara.
Dan ruffels himself like a peacock expecting to hear his name. Instead my wife blushes slightly and admits that she has recently been fantasizing about Tara. The two women lock eyes on each other and there seems to be a palpable sexual tension that develops. "Fantasize?" I say hardly able to keep my jaw from hitting the floor.

"Well, you know, when I start to fall asleep I sometime imagine Tara is laying next to me, playing with my hair. One time I dreampt that you were a Roman legionaire and you brought back a slave from fighting in Gaul. Tara was the slave woman and we got to touch her and have her any way we wanted. It was hot thinking about using her in any way..." She drifted off caught in her own story telling.

"That's hot!" states Dan, like a geeky teenager. I look at him and shake my head.

"Are you mad?" Pam asks half to me half to Tara.

"Wait, don't answer that" Tara says, "Pam your husband has already asked a truth from you, which means its his turn to ask me and Dan one before you can..."

Option 1: I ignore Tara and tell Pam I am not mad. I want her to go on.

Option 2: I say "Right", and give a deep hard truth to Tara.
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