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Old 09-29-2013, 02:31 PM   #3
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 33

thank you for taking the time to reply in such a thoughtful way, especially when it probably took you ages to read it.

I agree with you regarding the addictive nature, and I am actively seeking support from SAA, however the main thing about porn is it is dangerous, especially when it is so easily accessed at such an early age nowadays.

research proves that porn has a stronger effect on the brain than many illegal drugs, and has the same addictive tendancies that drugs have. Now I am not - nor would i ever dream of - suggesting porn should be banned, i just felt by sharing my story it may make the under 18's who come on here and pretend they are over 18 or just read the posts think hard about the effects of what they are getting into.

in terms of your question about casinos - no the casinos can not be blamed, however i would suggest it is a lot easier for 9/10/11/12 yr olds to get regular access to porn than it is casinos.

I was very careful not to criticise the lifestyle or the scene, and was hopefully very measured in my post - i dont want to preach, especially as i havent sorted my own life out, i just want others to hopefully learn from my mistakes. Lieing was clearly a major part of my problem, but how many people on here can honestly say they do not hide/lie about this side of their lives? again if i was honest i may now be married - i dont know - but theres no harm in sharing so others may learn.

once again thanks for your feedback, truely appreciated.
have a read of this: -
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