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Old 09-21-2013, 11:25 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 33
Default My Jewish Mistress (based on true story)

(this is based on what happened to me about a year ago, sadly after chatting for a couple of months real life got in the way and i lost her as a Mistress - but I will always remember her as the most erotic and creative Mistress Ive ever met and will always hope to meet her again)....

I sat there nervously staring at my computer screen. My house was empty and I was due to be alone for the next few hours and finally I was going to turn fantasy into reality, stop reading the stories online and find myself a Mistress to serve online, "that wouldn't be cheating" (i told myself) "it's just online fantasy stuff". so i stared at the screen and jumped into action.

I had heard of a site called Omegle and that strangers would just chat on cam with people and so i typed in interests "mistress, humiliation, femdom, slave" and pressed the button.

2 hours later and hundreds of clicks of a button finally a female appeared who was a Mistress. she asked me my name, and for my details and we started what she called role play.

I was not to touch myself without her permission, I was only to type with my left hand and my right hand was to stay behind my back at all times (i am right handed), and I was to call her Mistress at all times.

it was proving very hard to type, and my mind was saying just give up, but i was getting so excited being controlled, obeying her and following all her commands.

The content of the conversation, i cant remember but it was the hottest, sexiest domination I've ever had. She got into my mind, and controlled me without me even realising it. She then asked me to guess how old she was "23 ?" and she replied "17" and then continued "and im a good Jew... you have been controlled by a Jewish girl almost half your age (im 32) how ashamed do you feel?"

The thing is I just felt even more horny and without thinking started to wank, and i she somehow knew (we were not on camera) and she said "Slave - get your hand away from my cock you must be punished" and she asked me to get a sock and a shoelace.

she ordered me to place the sock over my cock and tie the shoe lace around my balls so that the sock would not fall off (she gave me better instructions which i followed but i cant remember them). and said i was not to remove it until she gave me permission.

She then asked for my email address and told me she would email me tonight but until then i was to get dressed and feel the sock and shoe lace as a constant reminder that she owned my cock and that if i disobeyed her she takes away the things i like.

and then she was gone. I dont know why i obeyed, and i dont know why i didnt just ignore her instructions but i got dressed and kept the sock on for the rest of the day hoping that she would be in touch soon.

my Jewish Mistress.
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