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Old 01-10-2009, 10:50 AM   #13
getDare Sweetheart
CheshireCat_13's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Off in the Wonderland
Posts: 357

I have been stripped by 3 guys before.....
I was in my cousin's backyard (the land behind her house is government protected so it's very woody and extends for quite a while)....and as part of a dare, she handcuffed me to a tree. My outfit was a miniskirt, thong, bra, and a tight, white button-up shirt. My eyes were also blindfolded. I assumed that no one was going to walk by during the three hours that I was tied, but apparently my cousin asked a couple of her friends to take a walk in the woods because I heard people walking towards me. I nearly panicked because the only people around would be her friends who aren't the most sympathetic of people, so I knew that I would be getting something done to me. I ended up being stripped and played with, and after my three hours were up, I could hear that they were still standing around me and my cousin just walks up like nothing happened, takes off the blindfold uncuffs my hands. And then the guys apologize in a very insincere way and tell me that my cousin put them up to it....they joined in on our TorD game so I got my revenge....
I enjoyed the experience a lot. I think that if anyone has the opportunity, let it happen because the it's amazing.
I'm owned, don't even ask.

Limits: Public, piss and shit, extreme pain, needles (i'm deathly afraid of them), anal.

Likes: Humiliation, blindfolds, orgasm control...

If you wish to talk to me you better have decent grammar. Do not mangle the english language please.
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